DAILY UPDATES - Loch Garten nest - MAY 2019

The silence is deafening, not least because we haven't even had sound* for a week or two, let alone an osprey on the nest.

*This is to reduce demand on the bandwidth, along with turning off the Feeder cam stream.  It seems that the reason for the reduced bandwidth cannot yet be fathomed.

But who knows what the month of May will bring?  First-time returners are due and there are reports of ospreys flying up thru the country.  Hang in here, everyone!

Carnyx Channel page ~ click LIVE NOW

But it hasn't always been so live:

Then back:

  • I wonder what the situation is with visitors to the Loch Garten Osprey Visitor Centre in 2019 with no nesting Ospreys so far this year. I would understand if there have been far less visitors to the centre so far this year. Has anyone got any news about the number of visitors to the Osprey Centre so far in 2019 considering the lack of Ospreys at the Loch Garten nest.



  • scylla said:

    I hope your "lots and lots of wee birdies" was a general comment, CATLADY, and not an observation from the cam

    No Scylla, just a general comment overall, you have not missed them all!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks, CATLADY :-*

    NIGHTCAM 21:59

    However, then!

    I was using the link that Peter gave us which should always be current, it was https://www.youtube.com/user/CarnyxWild/live but I see that at 22:20 there was a YouTube Carnyx email notification with a new link.

    The ....user/CarnyxWild/live link now points to the 22:20 URL but has to be re-accessed manually to keep up with the changing URL, and that doesn't happen at any specific time so there is no way to monitor this nest 24/7 unless the live link is checked repeatedly.

    Is it because of the reportedly weak satellite signal that LG's stream has to be restarted so often on a new URL, when other nests' streams do not?

    Sorry, you must be so fed up with my wails and wonderings, but monitoring the nest is "what I do" and I just can't understand or come to terms with the 2019 season, not no aspect of it !!! !!! !!!

  • MC. Why don't you contact Peter? I'm sure he'll help.
  • Are you telling me to shut up, MIKE?  Anyway, I did write to Peter, right after I typed that whinge.

    Two little birds spotted so far this morning.  I've made these videos "Unlisted" so's not to embarrass myself in front of certain YouTube subscribers who may be sarky about my ignorance.  I just can't be positive about either of these so I'll change the titles and make them public after advice from you lovely birdwatchers ;)

    This was the bird who got me looking when it flashed off the screen:

  • NO. I was encouraging you to seek help from the guy who could probably answer your question!
  • Good morning Scylla and all, you crack me up, you really do, I mean that in a good way. :) Just you have your whinge, it must be a real pain for someone like you who does all the tekkie work, and it will either not work, freeze, changes, pauses, hangs, or generally does its own thing - or not! Looks a nice day at LG, maybe a big birdie will stop bye!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hi,

    As I write this there are two links that will take you directly to the live feed:
    1). www.youtube.com/.../live     youtube.com/user/CarnyxWild/live
    2). www.youtube.com/watch     youtube.com/watch?v=VV5qPyClDoM

    The only one of these that never, ever changes is .....CarnyxWild/live

    If there is a break in transmission for more than a minute or two the second link above becomes a recording of what you were watching. When the camera goes live again, a new link is created so the end number of the link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=***********] will change.

    When we want to embed a player in a webpage we have to use [.....CarnyxWild/live] so the player code never has to be updated.

    Scylla, I will send you some more information via email.
