Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 April 2019


I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful spring week! 

Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates the day. 

Photo: A Nene, also called a Hawaiian Goose, standing at the Kilauea Volcano's rim with a lava lake in the background. The Nene is the world's rarest goose and is exclusively found in the wild on the Hawaiian Islands. They are endangered.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
NPS Photo/Janice Wei, labeled "Public domain" (copyright free) 

  • Had some really useful rain at last this afternoon - will somebody tell it that it can stop now?!!!
  • Hope the pain eases for you OG and that OH comes back with some delicious food for you.

    Weather chantging down here, breezy with showers and sunshine.

    Have a good weekend all.
  • We've had rain pretty much all day, just on and off. At least the garden has enjoyed it! Bonnie (& my OH!) got wet again this afternoon.

    My hay fever has also been on and off- periods of OK, interspersed by sessions of eye drops and washing my face and eyes. Just off to bed and resolving to take the pills I bought in Tesco, first thing tomorrow.

    Heather, if you want comfy shoes I can't recommend Skechers enough. They come in all kinds of styles now - I've got slip ons, lace ups, and even some toe post sandals. Or failing those, try the wonderful Hotter shoes, which are very supportive and I could wear all day.
  • Evening all: Finished cleaning the house today while keeping one eye on rubbish movie on TV and listening to BBC radio 4. Marine layer kept the sun away all day.

    DIANE: I see The Orange Menace was speaking to the National Rifle Association in Indianapolis today. Was that you who threw the cell phone at him? :-))

    OG: Do hope you feel better soon - is it associated with the weather? Can you be pro-active about making sure you get the more complex shot at the rheumatologists appt?

    LINDYBIRD: Hope those allergy pills help. That strawberry Pavlova sounds heavenly. What a treat.

    HEATHER: Yes, we got the fountain sorted and made sure the pump was facing out so I can reach the filter with my toothbrush (I keep old ones for tricky corners, etc.) without taking the whole thing apart. I'd let the kids fix that fence; don't stress out about it. I guess I'm a bit like your Dad too (except that I tend to inhale my food!) in that I Eat to live. I do like good food though. OH and I finally went out for our anniversary dinner last night to a fish restaurant - had wild Alaskan halibut; was really good.

    Take care everyone.
  • Good Morning, after a wild night of winds, here. Had to get up in the early hours and shut the bedroom window, as the wind was howling through a small crack I'd left.

    Annette, glad you finally managed a decent anniversary dinner: your fish sounds good.

    OG, hope you feel better today. Thinking of you.
  • LINDY - thank you! I will look out for skecher shoes, not sure if I would have to look online. We do, however, have a Hotter shop here and I have had shoes from there. As you say, they are so comfortable. The last pair were worn every day - that is how they have ended in the bin! Usually my old shoes are used for gardening but these were falling apart and probably unsafe for that.

    ANNETTE - I haven't had halibut for a long time but have always enjoyed it. I remember my mother bringing some home when we were children. She handled it very reverently, telling us that it was very expensive :-) I'm glad that you and OH enjoyed your anniversary dinner.

    Regards to all ---
  • OG: I so hope that the pain ebbs off and you feel better today.

    ALL: I've heard that Storm Hannah was much worse than anticipated, so I hope everyone is safe and sound.

    ANNETTE: I can assure you that I did not attend the NRA meeting in Indianapolis yesterday, so I didn't throw anything. I didn't even watch it. I'm trying to keep my blood pressure down. LOL

  • AQ - I have just read the link about the War Memorial. So very moving, the violet bags, just everything. Thank you.
  • Diane, I have to confess that it was me! I was so incensed by the Orange Menace that I lobbed my mobile phone at him........

    I hope the new medication has stopped your allergies.