After Friday's excitement seeing Mrs BTO (thanks Karen), not one osprey landed on the nest, although we think we heard one nearby. Super-sleuth-scylla managed to record what we heard. But maybe we were all haliaetus-hallucinating, as Fergus from LG HQ posted to say they'd not seen anything all day, except one osprey flying overhead (although some of us were watching the webcam before the centre opened). Anyhow, there's always another day........
EDIT; title changed to 'update' as there's not a lot of nest activity at present. We can revert back to daily updates once we have 2 or 3 days of solid action if you get my drift
There's hope for the cam at least - I now have an eveningy view :)))
As for the future of the nest, the only thing I'll predict is that I will be here for the next month*, come what may (personal circs permitting).
*And even after that, depending on other nests and my resources.
NIGHTCAM (probably/possibly !!! ) 21:33
BUT THEN! Suddenly Carnyx screen, then black screen, the this:
I went back to the main link and got the evening back again, but now it's gone to Carnyx screen again... back to nest...
It's just unstable, this is now with buffer:
Then back to Carnyx, then back to nest... oh I give up but will keep recording, obviouly.
I wonder how your VLC has been getting on this afternoon/evening?
Thanks for the quick response, BIRDIE :)
My cam seems to be in a loop of "probably current events", buffering, Carnyx screen, daycam...
Quick straw poll - should I extend/rename this 'weekly update' - as there's not a lot of nest action yet ?