Update - Loch Garten Nest from Sunday 21 April 2019

After Friday's excitement seeing Mrs BTO (thanks Karen), not one osprey landed on the nest, although we think we heard one nearby. Super-sleuth-scylla managed to record what we heard. But maybe we were all haliaetus-hallucinating, as Fergus from LG HQ posted to say they'd not seen anything all day, except one osprey flying overhead (although some of us were watching the webcam before the centre opened).  Anyhow, there's always another day........

EDIT; title changed to 'update' as there's not a lot of nest activity at present. We can revert back to daily updates once we have 2 or 3 days of solid action if you get my drift

  • I haven't seen much of LenSpider overnight, if anything - but look what a mess he's made of our nightcam:

  • DAYCAM 05:41


    G'night folks!  SYAL.

  • AlisonMac said:

    Aviemore ospreys reply 

    she never came near enough, and to be honest i was busy watching the Males displaying and then following her around, such is the way with young Male Ospreys. 

    AlisonMac - thanks very much for this.

    It must have been some display.     But I do wonder where they have gone!!!

  • Wish they would make their way to the nest it’s sad to see it still empty I know the experts are saying there’s still time TIL mid may I have such negative thoughts now I don’t think any birdie is going to come anytime soon and we will miss the window of opportunity:(
    Pls pls pls bring us a big bird and soon !!!
  • I have just caught up with our rather striking intruder.  Is it only Odin who likes to pose on 'our' side of the nest!  So inconsiderate!

    News of last year's intruder, 25 June, White DP(16) f, hatched near Aberfoyle.  She over winters at Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal, and was seen in her first winter.  Last year she intruded at LG when EJ and she dive-bomed each other.  EJ saw her off.  She later intruded at Kielder, Nests 1A and 3 and was caught on the Foulshaw Moss web cam!  She was seen back in Portugal in Sept and October.  
    She has been seen again this year by Marina Ribeiro, and with her permission I share her photo

    She is clearly in no hurry to make it back again.  I wonder whether she will chance another visit.

    Edit:  annoyingly I have just noticed that AGAIN the time given is about seven hours out.  The intrusion started at 10.15hrs.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • AlisonMac said:
    Wish they would make their way to the nest it’s sad to see it still empty I know the experts are saying there’s still time TIL mid may I have such negative thoughts now I don’t think any birdie is going to come anytime soon and we will miss the window of opportunity:(
    Pls pls pls bring us a big bird and soon !!!

    I feel the same as well. Hope I’m wrong. But could this be the year sadly when no Ospreys attempt to nest or breed for the first time at Loch Garten since the 1950’s as I’ve seen very few Ospreys, if any at all, trying to take over the nest. I feel far more gloomy and pesimitic than ever before since way back in the 1950’s when the first pair of Ospreys returned to Loch Garten. I know Staff and Volunteers say there’s still time for Ospreys to take over the nest. I hope your right or are the Staff and Voluntees at Loch Garten saying that to stop all of us feeling down and depressed. I still hope beyond hope that I’m wrong. But I just have a strange feeling we might all end up disappointed in 2019.



  • THOMO noted:

    I’ve seen very few Ospreys, if any at all, trying to take over the nest.

    Not one* has made the slightest attempt.

    You're like me only worse, THOMO: "Expect the worst and you won't be disappointed" ;)

    But we'll all hang in here together, not least to give support to the stoical staff and volunteers at the Centre, who are even more 'invested' than we are.

    I do hope the cam can be fixed soon - sound makes such a difference and you never know what we might hear even if we can't see ;)

    *Except if you count the male (IMHO) who waited in the trees with a fish for hours.

  • Gormless George hasn't even appeared, it seems very strange.
  • What on earth are you all doing being so gloomy! It isn't even May yet! So ..... I predict . Ospreys WILL become interested in LG nest again , THIS year.

    Note: From now on I refuse to call it EJ's nest. It no longer belongs to her . The Queen is retired. Long live the Queen.
  • It’s a bit depressing really Id even be happy to see George lol but then if a female comes he can gladly leave ;) unless he’s decided to buck up on his parenting skills
    Never mind we live in hope and hopefully still time :)

    On a brighter note it’s raining here north of Inverness thoughts to the firefighters who are trying to distinguish the woodland fires around aberlour and hoping all our wildlife have escaped and not too many casualties seems it’s the worst fires that the uk has seen our poor wildlife :(
    Rain rain rain and hard!!