After Friday's excitement seeing Mrs BTO (thanks Karen), not one osprey landed on the nest, although we think we heard one nearby. Super-sleuth-scylla managed to record what we heard. But maybe we were all haliaetus-hallucinating, as Fergus from LG HQ posted to say they'd not seen anything all day, except one osprey flying overhead (although some of us were watching the webcam before the centre opened). Anyhow, there's always another day........
EDIT; title changed to 'update' as there's not a lot of nest activity at present. We can revert back to daily updates once we have 2 or 3 days of solid action if you get my drift
Birdies LG DU update.
Mike you mentioned Dyfi chat ! I note this morning that Loch Garten has
a live you tube chat for anyone who likes to read or participate.
Hi all Reading aviemore ospreys page on fb 2 males fishing then a lady turns up and they stop fishing and are calling out to her let’s hope she heads to the nest fingers and toes crossed !!
Hi Karen I can ask them if they noticed if she was ringed ?
ok I’ve asked I wait for a response;)
Nothing back from them will let you know ASAP ;)
SheenaR1280103212 said:
I note this morning that Loch Garten has
This appeared yesterdaay sometime i think, in between the restarts but as yet, nobody has participated- maybe because a YT chanel is required and a few on this discussion have one. The benefits to me would be chat while watching- which i cant do easily on a laptop, however all the discussion knowledge and observations being in one place is also beneficial. I watch both re LA and Dyfi. I don't have a YT chanel but I'll never say never!! How do others use the choice?