Update - Loch Garten Nest from Sunday 21 April 2019

After Friday's excitement seeing Mrs BTO (thanks Karen), not one osprey landed on the nest, although we think we heard one nearby. Super-sleuth-scylla managed to record what we heard. But maybe we were all haliaetus-hallucinating, as Fergus from LG HQ posted to say they'd not seen anything all day, except one osprey flying overhead (although some of us were watching the webcam before the centre opened).  Anyhow, there's always another day........

EDIT; title changed to 'update' as there's not a lot of nest activity at present. We can revert back to daily updates once we have 2 or 3 days of solid action if you get my drift

  • Wishing everybody a very Happy Easter xxx
    Lets hope that the absolutely joyous weather up here in Scotland encourages the ospreys....

    In a completely different light.....last year when my uncle was visiting over from Australia we saw an osprey fly over the house ....was SO excited....was heading north as that makes sense....
    I see them every year but normally in May / June...

    This morning ....11:42am.....male WITH FISH flying 200m above the garden heading north !

    Must have had one out of the Forth estuary ! Wonder if its the same one as last year ? Hope I see him regularly would make my day ! Just so exciting !
  • How exciting, HENRY - hope he does include your house in his regular route!

    It sounds pretty windy at the nest but sticks are unmoved.
  • Checking back, I had buffering for 15 minutes from 11:35 onwards, that's all that's missing.

  • Oh absolutely exciting, Henry!! I hope you get to see some more!
    I was watching Great Canal Journeys with Timothy West and Prunella Scales last night - they were on the Rideau Canal, in Canada. I squealed when I spotted an osprey sitting on a perch above the water. Not a mention of it was made from the TV!!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I was insulted when watching a documentary on the wildlife of France and they showed one osprey for about 20 seconds only.
  • And just think that ten plus years ago I wouldn't have noticed either! How times and ospreyholism changes all that!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi Scylla
    There is never "no wind" at Garten....the noise today is just average breezes for up there....
    Im 100 miles south and there are just the gulls on the thermals, and the offshore breezes beginning to gather. Its always breezy here too !

    Cos its in the valley of Strathspey, the cool breeze drops down off the Cairngorm mountains and into the Strath.
    On a day like today...the thermals will be forming and so I imagine the buzzards are also circling and making the most of the "free ride"

    Henry used these thermals all the time....3 wing flaps to leave the nest.....glide to the thermal....circle and gain height to about 2000 feet.... peel off at the top and glide all the way to Aviemore with no effort.

    Opsreys and all migrating birds of prey use the same method to migrate using the least amount of effort, gliding from thermal to thermal...joining at the bottom peeling off at the top
  • What a 'Blog' Henry. Great stuff . Thank you for your posts. And thank you Sheila for the link to the latest Blog from Chris.

  • Thank you Henry for your interesting post. I did wonder whether there might be a connection to LG by your name! Perhaps in this 'quiet' time after the excitement of Friday, you might be forgiven for speaking of Henry again! Please do!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Great report, Henry! Yesterday as I passed the Montezuma Wildlife Reserve I spotted two nests occupied with osprey already. (Definitely tied to ospreyholism.) Tis the season! Here's to hoping for more (both osprey and ospreholics)!

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