LOCH ARKAIG (c)The Woodland Trust - 04 April 2019...

The arrival of our couple, virtually together, was first snapped @ 19:12






Yikes !!!  I thought I must have missed it but it's all there waiting for attention :)))

Thank you, everyone, for the super captures and info :)

I can't believe they arrived together - but they did! ;-D

Three matings altogether, only the first successful, IMHO.  They were on the nest nearly 13 minutes, this is cut down to 5 but no significant activity missing - you know how they like to stand and (males) mantle and (females) look a bit nonplussed ;)



The first was the best ;)

He sat here for ages after his second nestcupping:


  • Thank you Ian, wonderful news!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • It was a bit like her last egg, she went for a flight, Louis came in to incubate.  When she returned she started laying!  She didn't even have time to lie down in the cup.  And she very kindly stood up immediately afterwards!

    A beautifully pale egg, still glistening.

    14.40 ish Louis brings a gift

    Ails doesn't budge

    ca 14.45 Louis flies off, without seeing the third egg

    15.09 - Aila is still in the same position.  She appears to be panting in the heat!

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I think Louis has a fish.  Aila took her time getting up, then she stood wondering whether to go for it or not, and since I took this snap she's flown!

    Now she's back and they're both wary of someone in the sky:

  • I've been snipping pics!  Yes, Louis brought in a fish

    ca 15.40 - I was aware he was on the nest, but had to scroll back, as I hadn't seen the fish - the tail is nicely shown in the shadow!

    He landed with this back to Aila, which is why I didn't realise he had brought in a fish

    You can see the silvery length of the fish

    Aila got up

    and flew off for a comfort break

    Louis ignored the eggs

    Aila returns, distracted by something off the nest

    then noticed the fish and Louis moved away

    Aila tried to grab the fish, but failed

    Louis flew off.

    He has returned, but I can't see whether he still has the fish. 

    16.02  Aila is incubating and calling.

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • from LA chat I gather than Louis was harried by a corvid and consequently dropped the fish! So he returned without one.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Good afternoon, MARY :-*   I faded away this morning and it's only now, catching up, that I see your fish video this morning :)  That was quick of you! ;)

    Thru the day:

    Aila had a good long break with her breakfish and Louis flew off when he saw Aila returning.

    Louis brought in a mossy/licheny clump, it's underfoot here:


    He stood by Aila for 8 minutes and suddenly flew off with it again!  Maybe he's going to furnish that other platform if Aila doesn't approve of it ;-D

    Back with a big awkard stick:

    Any struggles placing the stick were buffered out.

    Just a nice view of Louis as he readied to fly off:

    Back with a small sharp stick:

    Then bark?

    An even smaller piece of bark in the same foot:

    Then he persuaded Aila off the eggs and took over:

    Aila flew:

    That wasn't a very long stint for Louis.

    Louis's next return really startled Aila:

    He was bringing in a loose stringy clump:

    He stood by Aila, preening and being alert:

    FISH!  From a slightly different angle, so not very clear, but Aila took it and flew with no delay:

    When Aila returned she brought something small but not fish.

    See how she had to turn in the air to avoid landing on Louis:

    The very next frame:


    Aila flew in in a very eggy state !!!  It didn't take her long to lay her third egg, which is paler than the others (at a brief sighting).  Someone on WT chat said that pigment lessens progressively with each egg.

    Not a lot of editing here.

    The next significant event was when Louis brought a fish and they stood watchful, as already posted.  However, when Aila eventually tried to take the fish Louis flew off with it!

    When he returned he didn't bring any back >:(

    He stood with Aila for a while then flew, and has not been back since.  Let's hope for a decent supper fish!

  • I think SHEILA and I need to amalgamate our posts ;-D I had the RF box open for nearly 2 hours doing that lot.
  • Fish delivered by Louis at approx 18.15, Aila flew off with it in her beak. Ian