The arrival of our couple, virtually together, was first snapped @ 19:12
Yikes !!! I thought I must have missed it but it's all there waiting for attention :)))
Thank you, everyone, for the super captures and info :)
I can't believe they arrived together - but they did! ;-D
Three matings altogether, only the first successful, IMHO. They were on the nest nearly 13 minutes, this is cut down to 5 but no significant activity missing - you know how they like to stand and (males) mantle and (females) look a bit nonplussed ;)
The first was the best ;)
He sat here for ages after his second nestcupping:
I wonder whether there is an intruder around, thus the to-ing and fro-ing. Aila is suddently quiet for a minute or so
11.00 My fish
11.02 Still my fish
© The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Louis hopped further around the rim, dragging the fish. Aila got excited... but he still isn't ready to hand it over.
He took another bite.
11.11 - they both leave with an alarm call. Clearly there is something around
11.13 They have both returned, Louis first, with his fish, mantling, and Aila is looking around.
11.16 Ails waits, and calls
Is he narked that she disappeared, and is playing it cool? Has he forgotten the osprey rules? Is the intruder still around?
11.22 Louis tucks in
11.24 Louis has taken off with the fish, leaving Ails to sort out the cup.
and wait
and he is back
Louis has been on a 'nest material-making' foray and returned with a large stick
and a spot of nest cupping
Ah, he was after a rim perch!
12.02 Aila has returned... and Louis mantles. Come on Louis!!
Aila spotted Louis' nest perch and tries to move it into a more sensible place
12.07 Louis was standing on the far side of the nest, looking out, Aila our side, when they both looked around, and Louis flew off in a leisurely manner. Ailso left in a not so leisurely manner. She flew over the back between the two hillocks and turned right.
She has now returned and Louis too. Intruder?
OMG! Who would have thought it? What wonderful, wonderful news And when I looked in they were both on the nest Then Louis flew off followed soon after by Aila Then she came back and Louis came in to mate and Aila was receptive. Afterwards Aila was mantling for a while and still has her wings down....l both lookiing skywards
(Just took a phone call so first picture is several minutes ago before they flew off 2nd is now)