Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 March 2019


I hope everyone has a peaceful, happy week!

  • Hope that your legs are better, OG.

    A windy but fairly mild day here, just walked to town for some food shopping.
  • Life is just not fair! My friend in Wales is sunbathing in her garden and it has just been raining here, heating is on.
    However, I've spotted beads of sap on the grape vine and a couple of buds.
    See there's no sign of EJ yet.
  • Seem to be having to bump the thread up frequently! Folks everywhere else must have a lot to say!

    ANNETTE – J has already played the “keep phoning” game – last time he rang, they virtually said “Don’t call us, we’ll call you”! Hope the memorial today passed off well – a shame about the mutual friend who decided not to attend.

    LINDA – have been thinking of you all today. No pressure to post again in a hurry – take care of yourself.

    AQ – have a wonderful weekend!

    HEATHER – legs were to be expected but are recovering to the “new normal”! I sat out in the garden a while this afternoon, but sunshine was accompanied by a chill wind. I was watching OH mowing, which we were pleased to have done – not a brilliant finish, but you can at least see it had at first cut of the year.

    Had a man here this afternoon to discuss a new floor in the wet room – ten years since that room was done, floor was never quite right and is now deteriorating, but I want to keep the overall appearance of the room. He is also going to do some minor sealant work in the other shower and the kitchen.

    J is out at his acoustic folk group this evening. He seems to have had a chaotic week at work, so is glad of the weekend. OH burnt the chicken korma this evening so had to go to the local takeaway for replacement! I had assembled it this morning – all he had to do was reheat it! We complain about so many takeaways in the town, but they are useful at times!

  • Thanks for all your news

    Lovely pictures of your GGrandson, OG.

    Have a lovely weekend all. Happy Mothers Day to all you mums
  • Will catch up later. Memorial gathering tomorrow. Today was very busy and very intense and I'm hoping we earned some good karma. Shattered, but the worst (I hope!) is behind us. I spy pix of cute kiddies; will take a better look later.
  • ANNETTE - sorry, I thought you were travelling Thursday for Friday - the time difference does throw me at times! Our clocks spring forward this weekend, so I shall be worse for a while!

    Good morning. ALL. Light cloud here, but hopefully still dry. OH will be printing the newsletter this morning, to be followed by gardening. I shall be observing - want to plant some seeds but it's a bit breezy - they would blow away!
  • Good Morning. I got through my sad day yesterday, supported by the friend who came to stay, who is a great girl, and my two sons who came just for the day (a long way for Eldest). Also, it was my OHs birthday. We decided that in the circumstances we would celebrate that later.

    We laid my Friend G in the village churchyard, in bright sunshine. The service was attended by about 100 people, some of whom had driven right across the country, and some who had just walked a few yards. Afterwards, we all talked and drank coffee in the village pub. I had a stiff sherry!

    Today we've decided to go to Wales for a couple of nights to blow away the cobwebs, so I have to go pack now.
    Lovely pics of G. Grandson OG :-)
  • ps: Don't forget in the UK that the clocks go back tonight!