Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 March 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. The new moon (the dark moon) is 6 March in the UK and US, and 7 March in Adelaide, Australia. 

Speaking of Adelaide, I happened upon the Facebook page of ABC Adelaide (a safe, mainstream news site). I loved this VIDEO of a Lyrebird named Nova at the Adelaide Zoo. These birds can mimic anything. 

I also liked these photos on that site: 

Dragon Aurora over Iceland, taken by a Perth photographer

Dancing Tree in Myponga

I enjoyed looking at that site's posts. Adelaide is a beautiful city with wonderful street art.

Be safe and happy, all. 

  • Thank you DIANE for such a wonderful start to our week. I'm rather fond of Adelaide (of course I'm not at all biased!). Our lyrebird is amazing and I especially love him mimicking camera shutters. I guess he has heard a few.

    Another sleepless hot night. It may only be a mere 32 C this morn but very sticky. Church was unpleasant as they only had overhead fans on & windows closed; someone must have thought no need for a/c. Back in schooldays, nuns would have told us to "offer it up" as penance. Cool change said to be on its way.

  • Evening all:

    Diane: Thanks for those links: My favorite was the dragon aurora That would be quite something to have that display looming over your head! That is one chatty bird - I wonder if it's ever quiet. :-) We have a place on the mesa that has steps to the beach just like those in the Southport photo.

    AQ: Haha. "Offer it up as a penance" indeed. Oh boy do I remember that - except I think our nuns used "sacrifice" in place of "penance."

    Had a busy day sorting through things and getting organized for daughter's arrival tomorrow. Have a good Sunday all.

  • I hope you have a good visit with your daughter, Annette.
  • Good Morning. Just had a happy ten minutes trying to sign in again <sigh>

    Love the Dragon aurora Diane. Thanks for starting us off again.

    Coming back to look at more, later. Was supposed to go to the Golf Presentation Evening last night but felt "off" all day. Glad I didn't go, in the end, as my OH came home really late and I would have been really tired. I went to bed early.

    Dry here at present but supposed to be wet & windy later as the storm comes up from the south.
  • Sunny and breezy Sunday morning – missing church today for various domestic reasons.

    HEATHER – I wonder what bones remain on the roof, although they could be removed by crows! Pleased your Bro has good health care in France – how is he now after his fall?

    DIANE – thanks for starting us off again.

    ANNETTE – I hope your Dau’s visit goes well – is this for her back treatment?

    LINDA – sorry you were not well enough to go out with your OH last evening – hope you have a good day today and are not “brewing” a bug just before your holiday.

    Expecting two fire officers this morning to discuss fire safety and advise on escape routes! Was suggested by the person who came to see us about the alarm call button.

    Hope everyone has a good week. OG
  • Morning all: I see the SpaceX Capsule has docked with the ISS - brilliant. And they landed the rocket that sent it into space on a platform in the ocean 300 miles from the launchpad in Florida. Even more brilliant.  

    Lindybird: Have a lazy day today - you don't want to be "off" for the vacation.

    OG: When we remodeled this house and put in new windows, "egress" (the first time I'd heard that word) was a big issue and I do believe we had fire folks out then to sign off on that and smoke alarms, etc.

  • Annette, when we had this house altered, we also had to have windows put in which would allow us to escape onto our roof (Not as high as most as its a bungalow) from our attic bedroom.
    Heard on the radio that the docking had been successful, so they must be thrilled with it so far. I'm so impressed when they can land the rocket back on a platform. 

    I felt better today, so went this afternoon to visit Friend G in hospital. I did not touch her or kiss her, just in case. She looks very wan, of course, but is getting good care. She seems to be in about the same state but at least is getting hydrated through a drip. Her OH is still looking stressed but no wonder.

    My OH has proudly put his silver cup which he won for a golfing competition a long time ago, last year, on the sideboard. I suppose I'll have to polish it occasionally until it goes back for the next winner, this time next year!

  • Lindybird: Do hope they keep G in the hospital so she can be cared for - and so her OH doesn't have to worry about that part of it. Hmmm. Was your OH's silver cup one of the items you found in the attic?

    Daughter arrived safe and we had a good visit and lots of laughs over dinner with OH. Will be getting together with grandson at some point.

    Take care all.

  • Good Morning. Dry here and the wind has died down, so I guess the storm has passed over.

    Glad your daughter arrived OK, Annette. The cup was presented to him the other night when I was absent from the Presentation Evening, which also included a quiz, and I was told I was sorely missed from that!

    Various stuff to do today, including throwing some things into a case. Have too many t shirts laid out, but hopefully, not too many shoes!