Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 February 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe week. 

Here are some links to pictures of the Indiana winter. You can look at them if you want to. 

My region has had so much snow, rain, and ice that the long Wabash River has been flooding in many areas. It flowed into Prophetstown State Park, near Lafayette, Indiana, up on the prairie where I grew up. The flood waters turned to ice, trapping the fish, and groups of juvenile Bald Eagles have been gathering on the prairie ice to peck out the frozen fish for their meals. PHOTO HERE

Ice is building up in the canyon at Bear Hollow in Turkey Run State Park, which is just down the road from me. PHOTO HERE

The polar vortex winter has been piling up the shelf ice on Lake Michigan north of me. PHOTO HERE The structure is a light house. 

An extremely rare (endangered) Whooping Crane has been spending the winter socializing with a flock of Sandhill Cranes, a couple of counties south of me. PHOTO HERE

Take care, all. 

  • Hi, all.

    Annette: That's fascinating about the rare giant Australian sunfish. What a strange looking fella and what an odd event. Wish I could have seen it. I hope the weather will improve and you will be able to enjoy whale watching season. 

    Heather: I hope the mystery of the roof carcass is soon solved. Sounds like the beginning of a Stephen King novel. LOL!

    AQ: I would like to see those big ol' trees, too. We're supposed to get arctic temps starting Sunday night, so I will send you some cold!

    Lindy: I'm so glad that your eyeglasses weren't damaged. That would have been bad timing! Wonderful that you found the treasure trove of books and items in the loft.

    OG: Miri and Cyrus are the cutest babies, and that photo is adorable! They are so photogenic, and they look so very happy. I'm glad the ramp and the turfing are now completed. Having a call pendent is a very wise idea, and I think it will give you some reassurance. I hope you will feel better this weekend!

    bjane: I'm glad that you're healing from your injuries. I'm so very sorry about the challenges your daughter -- and you -- have had to face. I'm glad you have some help now. You are a strong woman. I admire and respect you.

    OG: Everything Annette said about editorial jobs is true. I might be able to get a writing/editing job with a nonprofit organization if I commuted to Indianapolis every day, but that would be an hour each way, and I'd have to buy a new car. I'm going to try to get a telecommuting job (work from home) in my field. If I can't, I'll probably just look for a local job, maybe in the main county library. 

    Everyone have a good weekend. 

    Oh, Annette. You've probably gone to bed but in about 40 minutes SpaceX is going to launch that Crew Dragon spacecraft for a 6-day test flight. That's the one that will eventually take US astronauts to the ISS. HERE

  • Good Morning. I came on, ready to describe the amazing fish found, and see that Annette has already heard all about it :-) One of those strange events. And what a whopper!

    AQ, Sorry to read about the tallest tree. As Annette says, these can't be replaced so are very precious. That is some heat, no wonder your laundry dries.

    OG - I forgot to mention how cute the children look, just charming. What smiles! Hope you feel better today.

    Lynette - Off again on Wednesday for our hols. It's come around quicker this year, it seems.
  • Just watched the successful launch from California. Yipee!
  • The most exciting thing to have happened here is that the gulls have obviously got all the food that they can from the roof! I'm always aware that they may try and build a nest but the only time it has happened it was on top of one of the chimneys, years ago.
    ANNETTE - my brother and his wife are French residents and have a carte vitale which covers about 70% of health costs. For the remainder, they have a top up private medical insurance called a mutuelle. I don't think they know very much about the future ( just like most of us). It is a question of wait and see. The one thing I know about health care in France is that you can see your GP quite quickly, ditto dentist. Blood tests are done, often at a lab, and the results are returned speedily.
    My Welsh friend is still fed up. The hospital staff are still talking about a care package but only for daytime. Her son is unmarried, doesn't live locally and has some kind of hush hush government job that involves travelling. I have suggested that my friend may have to pay for a night carer but that went down like a lead balloon even though she is comfortably off. We have a good health service but as OG said, contributions don't cover the cost any more. Some folk have what I consider to be too strong a sense of entitlement and insist on getting prescriptions ( free in Scotland) for things that are easily affordable. That alone is a huge drain on the service. I'd better stop ranting.

    Sending regards to all -


  • Diane/Lindybird: I heard about Space X's Crew Dragon launch and got all excited because I thought it was up the road in Vandenberg, but apparently it was in Florida. Saw the video this morning - all very interesting re manned flights to the ISS.

    Heather: I see some shift if TM's Brexit stance...... whatever, glad your bro is apparently able to get good care. I've heard the French system is good. Hmm, well your friend probably doesn't like the idea of having a stranger in the house at night, but seems like reality may force a rethink.

    Lotsa rain here. :-)   And RIch Text button still not working....

  • Diane- I am thinking the local :Library would be very lucky to get you!!! Head Librarian material for sure!!
    Heather- does your friend have a life alert system? Sometimes those can be helpful at night to call for help.
  • Jane- My friend doesn't have a help call but I agree, it would be a good idea.
    I'm so admiring of what you have done and continue to do for your daughter.

    OG - I hope that increased pain killers will help. The new ramp is obviously good :-)