• I went to Aberfoyle today. The VC is showing a view of the nest from a camera they can't stream - you can see the camera we usually get views from in the top left hand corner of the first snap, which isn't working at present. Their IT problems are as a result of the changeover to FLS from FC and they're still aiming to fix the problem. While I was there, Clarach came down from the perch on the left to the nest as she spied White CL coming in with.....a clump of something not fishy! Then they mated. The timeline board is helpful (as was the FLS staff member.) The pair were first seen mating last Sunday so there could be an egg anyday. Clarach looked well fed and she did a crop drop while I was there. It was great to see them both on the nest, looking at ease with each other and I'll visit again sometime. The RSPB have a staff member there but not every day apparently.

    Oh and I heard my first cuckoo!

    Wot, no fish?

    (c) FLS Aberfoyle

  • The non working camera has probably packed in due to excessive water ingress.

    Richard B

  • Thanks Korky. Glad you got there and clearly enjoyed your visit. I spoke to them earlier and thanked them for their Facebook video.
  • Just seen the video thanks Mike! Must have been taken around the same time I was there. I asked the FLS person what was known about White CL and beyond the fact that he was ringed near Loch Lomond in 2008, there's nothing, at least as far as she knew and Dave Anderson was telling!
  • Thank you so much Korky for letting us know about your visit today! :)
  • So happy to get news of dear Clarach and now her new beau
    Thank youSheila for the FB news and the link to the vid and thankto MIKE for contacting Aberfoyle and to Korky for his first hand report. How lovely to be able to go there KORKY I remember vividly my one and only visit to the Trossochs
  • What a super on- the-spot report, Korky. You obviously had a wonderful time. Many thank for the pics and updates

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Thank You Korky for the report of your visit to Aberfoyle, it is always nice to get news from the front line so to speak.   

    Hopefully I will get a visit some time myself, will probably wait to later on in the season though. 

  • (((korky))) thanks and wonderfull that you could go visit! BirdBaby chick

    2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree! 

  • Hello Otter! Nice to see you posting. It would be good to get some reports from the nest(s) in the Netherlands.