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  • Oh dear. I'd like to think that there was collaboration between different teams but perhaps this isn't always the case
  • Oh dear, Valerie, yes, it is a shame that the Spanish team did not check before removing the tracker. Is there a chance that they attempted to check but failed to contact anyone who would know if the tracker was working? At least it is still great news that LH0 has just been seen alive and well, but I do agree, losing a working tracker, especially just before his first migration north, is not great news but a terrible shame. Fingers crossed that LH0 arrives back safely and visits a nest with a camera.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Extract from The Lodge Forest Visitors Centre FB page  posted yesterday

    David Anderson Actually this is bad news the tag was working well and we were looking forward to the birds migration route home! So to say I’m angry with the guy who cut it of is an understatement. I will be contacting him.

    David Anderson I am the source, as the data owner and tag fitter. This tag has never stoped working as I stated on the lodge forest visitor site. We have nearly 8000 fixes for this bird and on the point of its return it seems like a complete waste off time in tagging it. I’m so bloody angry about this.

    Emyr Evans Sorry to hear this Dave - bizarre why anyone would catch a bird and take a tracker off in full working order; I hope you get some answers from them.
    Doubly sad that LH0 was right on the verge of his first flight back. I'll let you know if he passes our way on his way back to Aberfoyle.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I think the prime question is how did they know it wasn't working. By what/whose authority was it removed?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Just bringing forward this page, although given Clarach's return date, it's unlikely we'll see much action until mid-April. The webcam doesn't seem to be working yet anyway.
  • Hi Korky, good to see you here.
  • I had just tried it a wee while ago too Korky, looks like all FC webcams won't be on line for a bit yet.
  • Just bumping this thread back up. Camera not working yet.
  • Jees, bummed by that tracker incident. A waste indeed. O.o

    2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree! 

  • The Aberfoyle cam is back on Slight smile A very misty picture though at present.

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