Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 January 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Great news, HARELADY! Have been thinking about you. Some of my OHs family were playing (pipe band). They always have a fantastic time. 

    OG - I guess my panels are working too, haven't checked as mine just give me hot water, as you know

  • It's 25 below this morning with 55 below wind chill. Tonight is supposed to be 30 below with no wind so won't feel quite so cold. Forecast is for 44 above on Sunday! No Mail delivery and no Newspapers We have at least 10 inches of snow on the ground. Don't want that to melt too fast...... I hope Diane is okay. 

    Hope everyone is fine and AQ get's cooled down soon. 

    Harelady sounds as though she is really enjoying herself.

  • bjane: So p-25F is -31C - that's pretty darn cold.  I'm assuming you're housebound; hope you're able to easily get to stores once it's okay to get out.   

    Harelady:  What a thrill - have fun and hope the seas aren't too rough and the weather is at least clear. 

    Wendyb/Lindybird:  Snow pix always look so appealing (from where I sit!).  :-)  

    Lindbird:  Huh, so it's a crowned tooth that he's suggestion you remove?  Is there an infection somewhere, hence the antibiotics?  Any chance of redoing the crown?  Don't worry about explaining it all......I'm just being dense.

    OH and I are busy with paperwork stuff, though I should wave the rake at the garden before the rain arrives tomorrow.  He's doing taxes; I'm not sure what I'm doing - sorting  through various bits of paper that need some kind of decision.

  • I like that bit, Annette: ~  "I'm not sure what I'm doing...!" sounds like a regular occurence around here! The tooth is old and has had it, he says:  I'll have to bite the bullet and have it out.  The snow looked prettty for about three hours or so, then it began melting in the sunshine which came eventually.  Now there are just white patches here and there, but a very cold night predicted, although nothing like poor Diane and bjane are experiencing.

    Harelady, thanks for your bulletin on your progress.  Have a great time.

    Heather, for once I think we've got more snow than you!

    Glad EE and OG are OK.

  • HEATHER – No worries, I understood what you meant. I did feel better for “letting off steam”.

    Stay safe & warm DIANE & JANE. Unbelievable temps across the Pacific. Lovely pics of snow WENDY & LINDA. Here it is 16 C this morn with OH muttering that he is freezing as he waters the crisp yellow lawn. Just a brief respite, temp climbing again tomorrow.

    I’m taking Dau to Murattis this morn to celebrate/commiserate Twins starting kindy full time. They began on Tues; it will be two days a week 9 to 3. Nanny duty was a breeze, they both went off to play together in bedroom (lots of chatter) and I was able to wash dishes unaided. I was given a "Performance" by twins - what they did at “Fairy Dancing”, I read 2 books and MissL did not nap. Later I helped Dau peel & grate a few veg for zucchini slice, removed from oven while she still on Guides delivery. Came home early. Fairy dancing is an extra they have been doing for a year or so. Exercises to music in a wee tutu, small group. Very simple, a lot of running with an arm in air, star jumps, they love it.

  • Like the sound of Fairy Dancing, AQ :-)  A bit like I do in the kitchen, sometimes!!!!!!  Glad Nanny duty went well. They're growing up!  Sorry your cooler temps are only a respite. We are suffering freezing temps but I saw the young man next door, through the window, wearing his usual thin t shirt -- I've never seen him in a sweater. They must have their heating turned way up.

    Our old heating boiler is looking a bit ropey, we're hoping it will see us through this winter before we have to have a new one. 

  • AQ: Here's another vote for Fairy Dancing - I can see them all now.    Kindergarten two days a week is definitely a cause for celebration.  So how many days now for Nanny Duty?   

    Lindybird: If you have to "bite the bullet" please don't try it on that tooth.  :-)

    Meanwhile, PatO has left Acapulco, Mexico and is well on her way to Nuku Hiva Island in the Marquesas, French Polynesia; then to Papeete, Tahiti. 

  • bjane: I'm glad you posted to let us know that you're surviving the polar vortex. I was wondering. Thanks for asking about me. I'm okay, but it's been a miserable couple of days. My house is freezing. Good thing I live alone, because I'm in an awful mood. LOL I had two power outages on Tuesday, but luckily electricity was restored within an hour. Good thing I bought the new sleeping bag. I'm worried about my car. I don't mind charging the battery, but I hope the fuel line isn't frozen or the gas tank isn't cracked. 

    The lowest actual temperature here so far has been -16F or -26.6C, yesterday morning.
    The lowest wind chill "feels like" temp has been -42F or -41C. The winds were fierce here, too. 

    Conditions will start to improve tomorrow afternoon. Yay! My area is also predicted to have a bizarre warm-up by Sunday and Monday. Be safe and take care of yourself, bjane.

  • AQ: Oh, Fairy Dancing must be beautiful! That's wonderful. Adelaide was on my national news tonight. They were talking about the record hot temperatures. The lorikeet feather was so lovely, but your poor little tomatoes... I hope you get a long respite. Take care of yourself. 

  • Diane:  Good to hear from you but geez, I hadn't even thought of the possible harm to cars.  Maybe you should've bought another sleeping bag to throw over the hood.  Seriously, do hope things get - and stay - warmer for everyone enduring these ghastly temperatures.