Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 January 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Rant alert. Not a good morning. Yesterday Dau asked me to borrow the next book in series for Miss7. As a new book, it can only be borrowed at its own library for 3 months. I called in this morn having checked said book was “on the shelf” at my local library. I could not find it, nor could 2 librarians. Put book on hold and sometime they will check library with an electronic wand for the strayed book. Wotcha bet they will find it Friday, too late for delivery to Miss7 this week. Then off to food shop. Shopping list not in bag. I found it after I arrived home – in my pocket. I’m not completely stupid, I did manage to remember everything on list so that was a Good Thing. I had barely dropped packages on bench when Friend phoned to moan about her life. Freezer & fridge foods put away with one hand while not really concentrating on her dramas. On the hottest day this week OH decides to go out for lunch. Yes, I had bought a treat for lunch at home. He can eat it stale tomorrow. At the beginning of week, today’s expected temp was 38 C, then downgraded to 36. Weather People, you have bungled again – it’s already nudging 39. A hot drive to nanny duty, even hotter drive home. Shall I remind Dau that nannies have a hot weather policy?

  • Oh AQ:  I've had days like that (haven't we all), but seem to be zooming out of the house without shopping lists more often. Talking of libraries, I'm getting reminders about a book I borrowed but which I'm sure I returned already (the library has just become independent from the "big" library downtown, so things could still be in flux).  We've looked under beds, and car seats, but no sign.  I'm going there tomorrow to search the shelves....     And yes, that Lorikeet feather is a wonder of nature.

    Lindybird: Are you sure it's not the gum that's irritated rather than the tooth?  I assume dentist has done x-rays..   Would you have the problem tooth replaced?   Glad you got the front tooth sorted though.   Any clue as to why Limpy and Clare aren't posting - I seem to remember some problem, but not what......

    The Post Office in the Northern Plains will stop mail delivery over the next day or so due to the dramatically low temps.   I see 10 below 0F - that's -23 Celsius near Diane and bjane!

    Take care all.

  • I heard about the ?polar vortex and the effect is is going to have on the mid west, ANNETTE. Hope our friends will be OK and warm. DIANE may have to utilise both of her sleeping bags...

    AQ - I enjoyed your rant, sorry about that. Days like that make me grind my teeth (must stop doing that) 

    LINDY - yes, maybe get the tooth replaced? My sis in law has lost most of her back teeth and says it isn't easy chewing with front teeth, she thinks she must look like a rabbit. I haven't thought that about her but she is self conscious.

    A couple of cms of new snow here this morning, nothing much at all but pavements may be icy. 

  • No sitting out with my morning coffee today ...

  • A good couple of inches of snow here in NW England.  My OH has gone out to clear our paths, to help the postman and any other visitors.

    The dentist x rayed my tooth and found a shadow around the root of it - it's a "dead" tooth which he had put a crown onto, some years ago. (My stupid tablet just changed that to "x rated" which on reflection isn't a bad description!)

    I've lost it now but whilst wandering around the Site I found reference to Clare leaving altogether, but Limpy is still in evidence. I said I wasn't surprised! Still finding it difficult, myself :-(

  • AQ  - I didn't mean that I enjoyed the things that went wrong for you, I enjoyed the way that you described it!! 

  • No snow - just plenty of ice and brilliant sunshine - solar panels generating!

  • Morning all from Lerwick which has snow on the ground but brilliant sunshine and no wind. The Ferry crossing was very rough for first 4 hours then not too bad.many people very I'll but we were ok. Yesterday was fantastic and everything we hoped it would be. Everyone makes so much effort. The parties go on all night and we were at breakfast with 4 people that had just got in. Going to 2 more islands tomorrow one being Unst which is the most northerly part of UK