Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 January 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Thank you once more Diane.  I see you are still darn cold up there.  Hope AQ is doing better down there.

    Did a lot of desk work today; now am going to put on TV and continue scanning old photos.  Life is just too exciting.. 

    Hope everyone has a good week - and that Lindybird manages to see more wrens and any other birds whose numbers have been on the decline.

  • Thanks to Diane for her diligence in starting us off again on a new week - soon it will be February, thank goodness!

    Annette - My little wren is so cute, but when I think I see another I can't be sure if it's the same one! We also have a whole, huge tribe of sparrows which are supposed to have been getting scarcer countrywide, but I think it's because we and our close neighbours all feed them regularly. They're lovely to see, flocking to the feeders and the trees, and also have very noisy arguments on our roof!

  • Forgot to say, it's very cold here again, with strong winds forecast. 

    Took Bonnie for a walk yesterday as the sun was out, but halfway through it began raining and we got soaked! Had to change our clothes to dry ones when we got home. My Friend G said that she made it to the Burns Night and enjoyed the company: she had a drop of soup and when everyone else had their steaks, she asked for a prawn cocktail which she managed to eat. I think the raspberries must have been frozen ones, Annette!

  • Morning all

    Lindybird:  Ha! Probably the sparrow population is only thought to have dwindled but they're really all in your neighborhood.  Good that G made it out and about.

  • Pesky site slow for me today and lots of error messages, but think because of BGBW which is of course, more important than chit chat.

    I'll come back tomorrow with replies....

  • Thank you Diane for beginning the week for us.   Hope you are not shivering too much.

    Just seen some pics of the Tasmanian fires on FB - do hope they can get them under control. AQ - hope you are managing to stay cool.

    Another week beginning meaning another week closer to the return (we hope) of EJ.

    In the end I forgot to do the BGBW. Must remember without fail for next year!!!

    Very cold Northern wind today, felt quite raw.   Stay warm and safe all.

  • Good Morning. Couldn't get on here yesterday because of all the action. I counted 15 sparrows at once in our garden, it could just as easily been 25 as we often get a whole gaggle of them when I put the seeds out. No exciting birds to record as our nuthatch didn't appear and neither did the wren :-(

    My OH has gone off to play golf a day early as tomorrow sounds grim, with sleet most of the day. Today, it's just plain cold and grey. I've got my appointment with the dentist tomorrow and it's just as well, as a bit of filling fell off a front tooth last night and now I have a funny looking gap! Hopefully he can fix both problems.

  • Good morning and thank you, DIANE for starting the week.

    It was good to see OG here the other day. I did see the news item about 'your' distillery at Annan, OG. Regarding cranachan, I would eat it if put in front of me rather than be rude but don't like whisky or honey.... There are fresh rasps in the shops at the moment but they have flown a long way!  I did buy some at Christmas to decorate a lemon tart but wouldn't bother otherwise. I

    ANNETTE - the splint is made to measure from thermoplastic ,fits the wrist and hand with a special bit to keep my little finger from curling into the palm which is where it wants to be!  I must thank my Viking forefathers for this condition, which runs in families.

    AQ - Horrible heat for you. Do the tomatoes get to any sort of size? I suppose that they will enrich the soil....

    I know that I've not remembered all that I was going to say! 

  • Sitting with a hot chocolate and watching the birds...  I suddenly thought of something, and then got out my latest "Natures Home" mag from the RSPB to check:  Lynette, the Birdwatch runs over last weekend AND TODAY!  So if you read this, you can still take part.

  • LINDY- Hope that dentist will sort things out for you and that your OH managed his golf before worse weather arrives.

    DIANE, bJANE, hope that you are OK, thinking of your weather.

    Hope that everyone is OK :-)