Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 January 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Don't miss the Total Lunar Eclipse on Sunday night/Monday morning. The moon will be especially close to earth, a so-called supermoon, so the eclipse should be a beautiful sight. Totality (the "blood" moon) begins at:

4:41 a.m. Monday morning in the U.K. 

11:41 p.m. Sunday night in the eastern U.S.

10:41 p.m. Sunday night in Iowa

8:41 p.m. Sunday night in California

Totality (the "blood" moon) will last 62 minutes. The duration of the entire eclipse from beginning to end is 5 hours, 12 minutes. The eclipse is visible in the U.K. and the U.S. Sorry, AQ, not in Australia. 

  • Ps my new avatar is one of the pics taken at the Flower Show - masses of alliums.

  • OG here again.

    Thanks, Linda and others, still some sneezing but the feeling ill part of the cold has gone.  Both the other two are now sneezing - especially J, unfortunately.  

    J did well with his partial return to work - I think he is working a bit longer on Monday due to timing of the exam he is responsible for.  He also went to the acoustic folk group last evening - we are pleased he has kept that going.

    E-E cooked us a lovely Burns meal last evening - very traditional, and very tasty.  We don't eat puddings , just one course for us, so no cranachan (which I don't actually like - I prefer our wonderful Scottish Raspberries naked as nature intended - and not in the depths of winter!)

    BTW, did you see the BBC at our Annandale distillery Friday breakfast time?  (Sadly, part of the Br***t business tour - not debating that here!)  

    Had another email from RSPB web guys yesterday - telling me that Friday is not a good day to try to fix anything but they will get there!  I had emailed them the previous Friday because that was when I suddenly received a flurry of emails in response to my originals!

    Watching out for birdies this morning - will count today or tomorrow.  Starling horde have been very late for a few days when coming up from the marshes for their breakfast.

  • OG: Oh good that you've finally won the attention of the web folks.  The BBC (thanks to the RSPB) just published a list of "winners and losers" showing birds which have increased/declined since 1979, so it's nice to read that Lindybird has spotted more wrens in her area. Such cute little fat birds!    So, are the Burns Night raspberries in the cranachan previously frozen?  Nice that EE did a nice dinner and that J is persevering with his folk group, which must provide valuable social contact for him

    Lindybird: Thought I recognized your Flower Show avatar....

  • Must remember to do my BGBW tomorrow after church , oh and put some more food out, they are going through it like hot cakes.