Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 January 2019

HAPPY NEW WEEK!  I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Bison deciding which road to take in Yellowstone National Park

National Park Service/Jim Peaco, photo labeled "Public domain" (copyright free)

  • Good Morning, after another cold night here: I slept badly after several discussions with my OH over things I can't discuss here. We are not arguing with each other, but have some issues with other people (in two different situations, which are totally unconnected)  and as my OH is a peaceable soul, it upsets him to have to chew over our strategies to deal with others. However, he seems to have slept OK!

    Sorry to have to try and explain in such an obtuse way.  

    Thanks to Annette for the link to the Panama Canal. I would love to do that trip.

    Hope that Diane is snug in the winter storms - love the Woodpecker!  The hawk resembles our Sparrowhawk, here.

  • Lindybird: Commiserations on those discussions.  I'm sure they go on in every marriage/family.  :-)  Good luck and hope you sleep better tonight.   

  • LINDY- I understand what you say. My OH hated that sort of discussion! He was a peaceable soul, also. An uncomplicated man - but maybe a bit of an ostrich......

  • Diane: I'm sure you're huddled up somewhere, but ULA is launching -finally! -their super-secret-spy satellite around 11 a.m. our time.

  • ANNETTE- thank you for updating us about PAT 's voyage! I didn't keep your link :-(

  • The ULA rocket took off successfully - and very sedately compared to noisier launches.  I watched it live online then zoomed out the front door to see the contrail race upward.  Contrail is now very fat and untidy, but what was interesting was that about 10 minutes after launch I heard a low, uneven rumbling (like thunder very high in the sky) that lasted about 3 minutes, presumably the sound waves as the rocket headed south over Baja California.  All quite amazing.

    Heather: I'm an armchair traveler, following PatO's progress and cyber-driving around AQ's neighborhoods.  :-) 

    Must get organized now....

  • Annette: I had forgotten all about the ULA launch; it had been postponed so many times. I'm delighted that you got to see it. That's fascinating about the sound 10 minutes after the launch. And it lasted 3 minutes! That's wild!