32(11) seen this morning in Senegal

  • Richard - received wisdom is that around 1/3 of youngster return. At Rutland breeding produced mainly 14 or 15 fledglings between 2013 and 2016 so you would expect 5 returnees from each of those years. As far as I am aware there are actually 4 birds from each of 2013, 2015 and 2016 that have returned (to Europe at least), so a little short of expectation but then perhaps there are birds out there that have not been seen/identified.

    2014 is a little different where only 11 birds fledged (weather?) so you would expect 3 or 4 returnees. To my knowledge only one bird 6K(14) is known to have returned.

    Of course one of the limiting factors to these observations is the dearth of information now released from ROP. They may actually know of more but we are not being told.

    So far this year only 3 of these 13 birds are known to be back with a further 2 tracked birds on route. Plenty of time yet though
  • Many thanks for the replies.
    I was just commenting about the fact that the only ones that have been seen this year so far are the 9 and 10 year old birds looking at the list.

    Richard B

  • Many thanks for your resume, DavidS. It is really interesting. It is such a shame they have stopped their round up of pairs, nests and chicks. It was so fascinating following their lives, particularly when we hear of sightings. Thank goodness for the photographers at the fish farm!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • David S said:
    Richard - received wisdom is that around 1/3 of youngster return. At Rutland breeding produced mainly 14 or 15 fledglings between 2013 and 2016 so you would expect 5 returnees from each of those years.

    These are small numbers so the numbers actually returning can fluctuate widely from year to year.  The 2009 & 2010 cohorts had particularly good return rates with 4 out of 9 and 6 out of 12 seen.  On the other hand 5 youngsters fledged in each of 2003 and 2007 but none were known to return from these years - any returning birds known to Rutland from those years would certainly have been reported. 

    Hilary J

  • Many Happy Returns at Rutland Water
    10:37 05/04 Western Osprey Leicestershire and Rutland Rutland Water 04/04
    21 yesterday including at least eight breeding pairs
  • Tweet from Rutland:

    Just as Alan has reported ....   21 ospreys back including all 8 of the breeding pairs.   

    But they add they are expecting another 10 or so over these coming weeks!!

  • Birdguides reported this too!

    Poor Maya!  She was quietly incubating, minding her own business, when 33 arrived and just plonked himself on her back.  Despite this she responded, holding her tail high!  

    © L&RWT ROP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • SheilaFE said

    Birdguides reported this too!

    Yes Sheila, but what I found interesting and pointed out was that they are expecting at least another 10 back.

  • Excellent news, Karen!!

    And more excellent news

    Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife - Glaslyn Ospreys.

    49 mins

    At mid-day this afternoon a female osprey with a blue ring on her right leg landed on the Pont Croesor nest. We have not been able to formally identify the bird as yet, but we think it may be Rutland born Blue 5F.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • I think that the 10 is based upon last years numbers and adding another 5 being a third of the 15 2017 chicks