Hi everyone and a very warm welcome to all new bloggers and especially to Judy Teen, whom I didn't mean to be rude about but unfortunately it looked like it in an earlier post of mine yesterday.
Well what a day its been, first Titch looked like going then an intruder alert or something and he bottled it, then we were watching all afternoon and lo and behold when one isn't watching, HE GOES AND DOES IT - FLIES - Whoopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. There are links on yesterdays blog for the lift of if anyone missed it.
What will today bring, will he get bolder and show his skills off - lets hope so. Such a precious moment when he did it and in fact when they all did it.
He is alone at present, on the nest. No doubt his siblings are around and probably roosting nearbye.
Over to the night shift and happy viewing. See you all in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Or is it Titch eating the fish and the eldest squawking ?
The squawking chick just flew off . Looks like the fish is gone
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Golly, pages SO slow to load. EJ just arrived on the nest for her supper only to find Youngest wanted to be fed, Really, you're capable of feeding yourself now youngster. It was there in the nest all the time you little rascal.
EJ just arrived with a fish ... feeding the one on the nest
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Hey thanks for all the updates and pics, great as usual. Thanks Alan for notification of new blog., will read it soon.
There's been some action then tonight, but, thank goodness, Titch's landing this morning was out of sight otherwise we'd be on the end of our chairs wondering whether he would be alright., As I type, EJ comes in and Titch has gone to her for feeding but she hangs onto the fish. At least I think is EJ. and Titch is making a racket, soliciting for food.
Looks like Youngest will be the only one sleeping in the nest tonight although I'm sure the rest of the family are round about. Good night everyone.
Bonne nuit, Cirrus
Night Jane
Chick had enough of the fish and EJ noshing some herself.
EJ is still eating from the fish that was left. Titch seems to be watching her.
Night, night, Cirrus, see you in the morning.
EJ sems to be making a meal out of that fish. It looks a bit tough