Hi everyone, been a bit hit and miss yesterday. Very windy conditions and the youngest almost made it but not quite. I think 4 fish were delivered in total. The wind has died down now and there are two peaceful looking ospreys on the nest Eldest one is probably roosting nearbye. Happy viewing to the night shift, see you all in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Ej is yelling her head off and the eldest is nearby joining in the ruckus
Two chicks flat on the nest .
The way EJ is acting the intruder may have taking up residence in HER tree. She is facing that way
Now I hear Odin alarm screeching . He came to the rescue. Now EJ and the eldest are silent. He must have chased the intruder away. Those THREE( EJ, Odin & Eldest) are force to be reckoned with
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
#2 fledged a few days ago, yet it doesn't seem interested in exploring the area. I wonder if the night away from the nest made it unsure of itself. Once it got back to the nest is has stayed there
As always thanks for all earlier reports.
Here is the nest scene at present. Two chicks asleep.
I can hear EJ (?) calling from nearby.
#2 is much more timid. Why leave a nice comfy nest with room service for a lonely branch. LOL. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the last to migrate. Alarm calling in distance. Two lying head to tail on nest.
Morning, All: Thanks for reports & pics. Quiet on the nest as I come on today.
I'll be going out soon for most of the day, so will miss any dramas ;-((
Hi AQ. Calling seems to have stopped. Titch not even wing flapping yet. They have had breakfast Both still lying on the nest.
Hi Linda, Do enjoy yourself today.
Hi Brenda. So quiet on nest. They must be stuffed!! I must go and supervise oven. Bye 'til tomorrow.
Thanks Brenda (hoping to see some birds!) Hope you feel better, AQ!