Osprey Sightings 2019

El Hondo
5th January Hondo North Gate

Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

  • 27/07 08:39 Devon : Western Osprey, Dawlish Warren NNR
    one mid-afternoon yesterday

    27/07 16:41 Northamptonshire : Western Osprey, Hollowell Reservoir
    again (15:05)
    27/07 18:10 Hampshire : Western Osprey, Fishlake Meadows HIWWT
    again (17:14)
  • 28/07 08:23 Somerset & Bristol : Western Osprey, Shapwick Heath NNR
    one in trees near 70 Acre Hide (08:12)

    28/07 14:31 Staffordshire : Western Osprey, Blithfield Reservoir
    one from the causeway (14:25)
    28/07 17:18 Northumberland : Western Osprey, Grindon Lough
    one from road to north possibly towards Broomlee Lough
    28/07 20:28 Devon : Western Osprey, Exton
    one on Exe Estuary late morning at low tide viewed from Exton station
    28/07 22:42 Hampshire : Western Osprey, Fishlake Meadows HIWWT
    again (14:00)
  • Saw both CJ7 and LS7 from the Birds of Poole Harbour bird boat this morning, first of all cruising around together quite high, then later LS7 flying close to the boat. 

    (Copyright Alison Copland)

    Also a tweet with video here.

    Another wonderful encounter on a beautiful morning for a cruise around the harbour!

  • Great to hear you had a good cruise Alison. Have camera ,will snap!!
  • Thanks, Alison. Must have been wonderful to see them!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • 29/07 11:04 Derbyshire : Western Osprey, Carsington Water
    again at Sheepwash on spit mid-morning
    29/07 11:09 Dorset : Western Osprey, Morden Bog NNR
    two flew over (10:00)

    29/07 21:07 Durham : Western Osprey, Low Barns DWT
    one flew south (18:20)
  • 30/07 12:52 Northamptonshire : Western Osprey, Pitsford Reservoir
    one fishing between causeway and dam

    30/07 22:20 Louth : Western Osprey, Lurgan Green
    one heading to roost
  • 31/07 10:17 Devon : Western Osprey, Haldon Forest
    one flew north (09:40)
    31/07 10:54 Greater Manchester : Western Osprey, Stretford
    one flew south over Old Trafford (10:15)

    31/07 12:51 Derbyshire : Western Osprey, Ogston Reservoir
    again between 11:25-11:45 (11:45)
    31/07 14:03 Lancashire : Western Osprey, Jenny Brown's Point
    one flew over (10:55)
    31/07 17:06 Hampshire : Western Osprey, Fishlake Meadows HIWWT
    still this afternoon then flew west (14:03)
  • 01/08 07:07 Northumberland : Western Osprey, Whittle Dene Reservoirs
    again fishing and showing well from road this morning
    01/08 07:45 Hampshire : Western Osprey, Fishlake Meadows HIWWT
    still (07:26)
    01/08 08:39 Cambridgeshire : Western Osprey, Farcet Fen
    flew east over south end (following Bevill’s Leam) (08:35)
    01/08 09:08 Northumberland : Western Osprey, Whittle Dene Reservoirs
    still perched in tree in hedge line to west of reservoirs (09:06)
    01/08 12:36 Kent : Western Osprey, Dungeness NNR
    flew towards fishing boats

    01/08 18:30 Hampshire : Western Osprey, Pennington Marshes
    in Butts Bay then flew west (16:00)
    01/08 19:53 Northamptonshire : Western Osprey, Pitsford Reservoir
    one again fishing between The Pines and Catwalk Bay this evening
  • 02/08 08:00 Derbyshire : Western Osprey, Carsington Water
    one flew over early afternoon yesterday

    02/08 10:56 Dorset : Western Osprey, Middlebere
    still this morning
    02/08 12:29 Devon : Western Osprey, Beer
    one flew east (12:15)
    02/08 12:50 Northamptonshire : Western Osprey, Pitsford Reservoir
    one in Walgrave Bay this morning
    02/08 14:15 Durham : Western Osprey, Derwent Reservoir
    one (14:15)
    02/08 19:05 Londonderry : Long-billed Dowitcher, Lough Beg
    adult still in south-west corner this evening; also 2 Western Ospreys