Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 December 2018

Well, we've nearly completed another stable orbit around our sun. Happy New Year! I hope 2019 is a good year for everyone.


Old Faithful Geyser Eruption and the Milky Way, Yellowstone National Park USA. NPS/Neal Herbert, photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free).

  • Thank you for all your New Year wishes. We've had a quiet morning, and then tidied up for our visitors, but my Friend G rang to say that she is too unwell to come today. They're hoping to come tomorrow.

  • Thanks for all good wishes.  Pleasant weather here for NY Day - but cooler.  Not very busy today.  Had a lovely day Sunday with elder Dau and appendages, and phoned younger Dau yesterday for her birthday - she had her Sons and all appendages there for a couple of nights.

    After an "event" the Sunday before Christmas, at church, J is well and busy cleaning his room.  EE had a second tooth extraction just before Christmas so has been uncomfortable, but eating well!  I am okay as usual.

    George G emailed and sent good wishes to all.

    PAT: hope you have a wonderful trip - how long will you be gone?

    HEATHER - hope you will have good Bella time - know you will have good Sam time - hope you get time for some baby cuddles too!

    LINDA - hope G is well enough for tomorrow!

    All from me - OG

  • OG: A wonderful New Year's Day treat to see you (even though you're disguised as EE).   

    Lindybird:  Sorry about G; hope she's well enough to make it tomorrow.

    PatO:  Only 3 days to go!  Where are you sailing from? Do you have to fly somewhere to board the ship?  

    We were in bed by 10 last night - such party poopers - and I woke up around midnight when some folks a few blocks away set off fireworks - illegal and very naughty given we are so very dry. Didn't make it out of bed this morning in time to see the live update on New Horizons' trip to the Kuiper Belt.  I gather all went well, but it will take 20 months for all the data and images to finally reach Earth, though we should be getting hints along the way. 

    I spent last evening setting up the photo scanner I bought a few weeks back so I can start saving print photos to digital format.  Must also check out the garden, which has been sorely neglected these last couple of weeks.  

    Take care all.

  • OG - I'll be gone for four months, back 05 May.  Can't believe I'll miss the worst of winter, my birthday (although I guess that will follow me!), most of spring, Brexit ... and hopefully the return of EJ.  Lots to catch up with in May!

  • Nice to hear from you, OG - and that apparently, George G is also OK.  We've had bright sunshine here this afternoon, but perversely, it was colder than of late and is now getting very cool indeed.

    I finally wrapped some books I had bought for little Matthew, and looked for a present I had bought Tomasz but can't find where I've stashed it!  Looked in all the usual places and spent a good half an hour digging through wardrobes etc but its a mystery...  Bonnie came back from her afternoon walk, ran straight into the back garden and caught a blue tit.  :-(   I felt guilty, even though there was nothing I could do about it.  Then my OH broke the tea caddy (where we keep the tea bags - it's in constant use in the kitchen). 

    We've just defrosted some prepared dinners, as I didn't feel like cooking.  Going to sit down and try not to dwell on what an odd start to the year today has been...   My OH was cross that our visitors did not come, but its no one's fault and I pointed out that he should be having a day of rest, anyway.

    Pat - that's a long time to contemplate being away, but you must be so excited now.  Hope you enjoy your birthday!

  • Pat O: I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing cruise and that your journey is everything you have hoped. 

  • Grey here, after yesterday's sunshine. Much colder, too, as forecast. Been pottering, and also ended up clearing out an entire cupboard, looking for the lost present -  and I found it! Such a relief! Now awaiting our guests again, and hoping they can come, as tomorrow we're off to our Youngest's laden with Christmas presents. We hope to take our own decorations after that. This has been a strange Christmas, and has gone on for a long time, too!

  • Back to normal here - off to Costco and Trader Joe's (how can I run out of stuff when I did a huge grocery run last week!).   Have lots of catch-up phone calls to make re appointments, etc...

    Lindybird: Hope friends make it today and that you'll have a good ride and visit with family tomorrow. Good you finally found that present and managed to clear out a cupboard in the process.

    Hallo to all...

  • Thanks, Annette. Wearing my halo now for clearing out the cupboard!! - found two of my mother's handbags (why did I keep them when I already have so many?) and 2 cushion covers, plus a sponge bag I've never used: they can all go to the charity shop. Friends came and I exhorted them to help us to eat up some of the festive crispy things and choc bits! Their dog played happily with Bonnie and we all chatted and put the world to rights.

  • Bon voyage, PAT. You should have a few tales to tell when you return.

    Nanny duty this morn while Dau has dental repairs. Expecting 41 C, her suburb prob hotter. I hope early escape, er, in hottest part of day.