Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 December 2018


Everyone have a wonderful and peaceful week!

  • Diane:  Thanks - the National Geo was the first place I checked, then I Googled "globes" and checked out Amazon reviews.  Spoke to granddaughter this afternoon and we'll probably pool part of our gift budgets to get the one with the bells and whistles. 

    Lindybird:  That'll be nice to have G and her OH over - something nice and "normal" for them.

    Granddaughter had a great time in Miami (ghastly humidity aside).  They apparently rented an Air B&B property just a few minutes from the beach in a nice neighborhood with some good restaurants  nearby. They'rented a car and drove out to Key West (the road is mostly over water and reputed to be one of the most beautiful drives in the country) and visited Ernest Hemingway's house en route.  I'm awaiting photos.

    Meanwhile, our rain forecast has been dialed back.  :-(

  • Pouring with rain here. Nice that your granddaughter had a good time, Annette - I've some friends who did that coastal drive and they said it was unforgettable.

    We're taking our cue from G in that she wants to live as normal a life as possible. I thInk I'd be the same. She can't go anywhere where there are lots of people, for fear of catching an infection, but they've had lots of private invitations and have been managing to have a social life.

    Today I'm At Home, so am once again attacking the To Do List, which is growing daily!

  • LINDY - Your friend G is obviously a very special and brave lady with a loving family and friends who care x

    ANNETTE -  my children had a wonderful holiday in Florida about twenty five years ago. One week in mainland Florida and a week in the Keys. They said the same as you have said about the drive and indeed, the whole experience.

    PAT- I didn't realise that there were so many free books available for the Kindle. Not too long now before you embark on your big adventure :-)

    AQ -  I still find it strange to think about Christmas in summertime! I I'm reading posts on FB from youngest son in laws sister in NZ . They have been there for about four years and still getting used to that.

    It has been below freezing here all day and I haven't ventured out. Maybe tomorrow!

  • Heather:  She is indeed a special lady, and I was not surprised by her realistic approach to her latest illness, as when she has been ill before, she has attacked what had to be done in a totally practical way and without fuss.

    Its rained all day here, hard.  My OH didn't fancy walking the fields with Bonnie this morning, so put off going out, but eventually he had to brave the weather for her sake - she gets very bored if she doesn't get her exercise. Not quite as cold here as last night or the night before, though.

    The rain caused us to consider what is going on with our damp patches on the walls: they have now got larger and my OH decided that it must be something on the roof or where the garage adjoins the house.  He climbed on the garage roof (flat) and could see no problems.  So we dug out our suitcases, old typewriters and boxes of music tapes from the attic space which is very small as we have a bedroom in the attic itself.  Here, we could see with torches that there is water coming in!!  Some of the rafters are wet and something is definitely wrong in at least two places.  We have left a message with a roofing company and are now waiting for their reply.

    I got some of the To Do List done, including finishing off the Christmas cards and making some phone calls.  However, because of the interruption of going into the attic, I still haven't done everything  I was hoping to do <sigh>

  • Oh LINDY, hope it isn't too drastic. I've got roofers coming on Monday but it is only to replace a slipped tile. I noticed it yesterday. Years ago( not this house) I had water stains, it turned out it was the flashing around the chimney stack. It had been damaged in a storm. 

  • I hope its not too drastic, too!  Maybe its just some lead flashing which is loose or needs replacing.  Fingers crossed! Off to cook dinner now, it's only sausages today but we love sausages & mash, especially when its our favourite Cumberland ones.

  • Lindybird:  Also hope that roof problem can be solved without too much expense.  Sometimes the cause of the problem is far removed from the symptom.  

    PatO: Did you say you'd read The Clockmaker's Daughter?  I'm halfway through and getting a bit confused. The author seems to go off on tangents with other characters and stories to the extent that I'm losing track of people; for example, I'm now wondering when Elodie (odd name! - Melodie without the M!?) will show up again.  And why did we spend so much time on the girl who was sent to boarding school from India and her two "friends"? What plot construct did that serve?  And where has the ghostly narrator gone?  Still, maybe it will all become clear later on.......  

  • I thought I had downloaded it, but now discover that was 'The Watchmaker's Daughter' - which I haven't read yet.  Looking at the synopsis, I'm now wondering whether I will actually read it!  Why do they allow books with such similar titles?  Confusing or what! 

    I did read the synopsis of your book, which sounds intriguing although even the synopsis is confusing!

    I'm off exactly a month from now - four weeks and three days.  Not that I'm counting, you understand ...!

  • PatO;  Good grief - these Clock/Watch makers' daughters lived busy lives and had sketchy fathers from the sound of it....

  • ANNETTE – Yes our fire season is starting much earlier.  Low rainfall, idiot arsonists don’t help. Colourful birds. My avatar, the rainbow lorikeet, enjoys the neighbour’s peaches. Now I envy you your hummingbirds.

    HEATHER  - I can’t imagine a cold Ch-mas. I rather think it would be nicer than the blazing heat we usually

    DIANE – Teams from other states sent to relieve the locals as over 100 fires still burning in QLD. Here today we have fire bans in various parts of our state with Adelaide temp expected to reach  39 C , already 37 by 11 am. Many Aussie birds are colourful, but not as friendly as your neighbours.

    I dislike books that jump about in time, that jump from person to person with “no rhyme nor reason” . It makes me want to cut the book up into chronological order, clearly labelled with who’s who. The clockmaker dau has been dropped off my list.

    Nanny duty was a hoot. “Gran, come and see. Look there’s Findlay”. The elf that reports to FC. MissJ says she’s on the Good List. MissL declares she’s on both lists as she is “a little bit bad”! Bath day, lots of splashing, much play. Gran asked to find some toy elsewhere. I say I can’t find it. “Well, try harder then.” Cleaned, dried, dressed and it is reading time. A book each and MissL trots off to nap. Gran conned into 2 more books for MissJ, then she “helps” empty dishwasher and wash the pile of dishes waiting on sink. MissJ tells me when people get old they die. Then adds “You are not going to die, you are not old enough.” I’ pretty chuffed about that! Prep veg for potato fritters for tea. MissJ fetches a game, oh no Mummy is home and she knows I will return to kitchen to help Dau & chat. MissL wakes, hugs all round, goodbye. OH has pasties in toaster oven for tea.

    Did I miss the improvements? Site looks as confusing as ever.