WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2018

Hallo all;  Here's to a less complicated week!

Spent hours in the garden.  We cleaned out gutters, retired one bird feeder (that leaves only two); raked up the mess the birds made.  Don't think I'll be up late tonight.

  • Hi Heron:  We are in the thrall (!) of Thanksgiving here; Christmas is the next hurdle - ahem, I mean celebration!  OH and I haven't even started our rhetorical "What do you want for Christmas?" routine because we never seem to want much and don't really need much.  What a boring couple.  I have to issue an ultimatum to the Arizona contingent of the family re pressies - and get cards off to the UK contingent.  And yes,where has the year gone!

    Lindybird: Glad you got things accomplished without too much damage and managed to support a worthy charity tool

    PatO: You can certainly choose to Reply to the latest post.  I've been using the top Reply button due to my very possibly faulty logic that responding to the last (or a previous) post might result in me missing that response (indented), especially with the pesky View More option, which seems to hide the latest rather than the oldest posts.  I don't have to sign on every time to get on this thread, but visited another one and had to sign in for that - then it told me my account hadn't been established - but I got in anyway....

  • Annette, we are now replying to your post from over 4 days ago, in an attempt, as you say, to keep the thread in chronological order. I wonder if this means that by the end of each week we'll be replying to one which is 7 days old. Grr. 

    Now I've forgotten what you said in your latest post, and I can't refer to it. No wonder there aren't many replies lately. I haven't the time to check through four days of posts, every time, just in case I've missed something.

  • Pat O: Totally understand your frustrations. I feel like I’m catching up twice before I make a post.

    Lindybird: Enjoy your new shrub.

    Annette: Have a lovely Thanksgiving.

    I’m trying copying this from word to see if I can get the old style formatting in this post. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

    Oh well. That didnae work. 

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Lindybird/Heron:  "Catching up twice" says it perfectly.

    We are having a quiet TxGiving.  It's been a busy year and I'm thankful for "normal" whatever that is  

  • HAPPY THANKSGIVING to All our friends in the USA!  - especially hope that you enjoy your quiet time, Annette. :-)

    A very cold night here, last night. Expecting it to have put paid to the last of our bedding plants in the garden, some of which are still blooming.

  • Quiet on here again.  I think everyone is struggling with this new format and probably waiting for it to improve....  please!

    Forgot to say, yesterday, that I saw a grey squirrel run along our side fences which is only the 2nd time I've seen a squirrel in this garden since we moved here in 2003.  The trees they inhabit are many yards away, across open fields, so they are being adventurous coming here, probably hungry.

  • Am going to have a go at inserting a pic.  Don't hold your breath!

  • Well, that was a dismal failure as although it uploaded into the little box, it would not publish it because of the size.. And I had already downsized it as usual.

  • Here's another go, with it reduced even more...

    --- ---- ----  -----   Well, that was a dismal failure too, as although I reduced it I now can't find it in my downloads on my pc.  So that's that.  No more pics....

    I'm off to the hairdressers in a glump.

  • Hello all

    Agree, LINDY, I think this new format is terribly inconvenient! I can only reply on my PC, as said before. I have to go in what is a cold room (no radiator in the office/study) and boot up the PC. So silly when I now have three tablets but can't get enough space to reply on any of them!

    Its dull, cold and damp here. My youngest son in law came here yesterday to do some garden work for me but the rain started and he couldn't do much. He did collect their Christmas decorations etc, though, which live in my loft as theirs isn't yet well insulated etc.

    I'm going to town shortly to pay some bills at the bank and look for a couple of presents for grandchildren. The older ones have politely requested vouchers - which is great for me!

    I've typed all this and just realised that I've been logged out. Fed up.....