WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 2018

Hallo all!

  • Noooo....  There are different kinds of palms, after all. :-)

  • Annette-love the photos, especially the "blue" lakes!

  • Lindy-Beautiful photos. Thanks for posting!

  • Hi - me again.

    J was not at all well after work yesterday - he had had a slight "absence" and heard one of the kids asking "Are you alright Sir"?  He therefore didn't feel he should be a work, with craft tools, science apparatus and difficult teenagers today.  OH postponed his shopping from last evening rather than leave the two of us alone, so he went to M&S today instead.  This in turn delayed my shower to the afternoon and some other things just didn't get done.

    I had a phonecall from my usual GP with details how to reduce the morphine gradually and she will phone again Friday to see whether I can consider coming off it this weekend.  J is seeing his GP tomorrow - possibly to receive biopsy results.  He will have to travel alone to The Christie for Friday, so won't work on Thursday before setting off, to reduce the stress - we would rather accompany him, but just can't do that right now.

    Now more cheerful chat!  I have had a good day today - moving around the house on my own when feeling okay, but not when very tired.  Weather has been uneventful here and not so cold as it had been - haven't checked forecast ahead.

    Lovely pictures, LINDA.  That white-flowered one near your holiday home looks a bit like a Yucca.  Sorry G is getting so tired - but you know her well enough, I am sure, to be sensible and know when to leave after visiting with goodies that she can enjoy.

    Thinking of those over the Pond on this important day.  Now going to see whether there is any television worth watching - still interspersed with fireworks every evening!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello everyone,

    Glad that things are looking more cheerful for you today, OG. Sorry about J though.Very difficult for him. Good that he has some medical appointments planned.

    We have just come back from the theatre. We actually got there this time. OH was very apprehensive about going out after last week, but all went well. We ate at home first, though. We saw "Rain Man", which was good. I remember seeing the film, years ago!

    Thank you for your kind words  from last week, Lindy and OG.

    I am enjoying all the photos. Thanks to all who post them.

    Lindy's picture of the palm like plant is, I believe, a Cordyline Australis (cabbage palm). I love them. We have several in front of our building. They  have a lovely scent underneath the windows.

    They do look rather yucca-like, but the flowers are different.

  • Sorry to hear about J, OG.  Rather a worry for you, but he did the right thing in coming home when he felt unwell. I hope he can talk to the Doc tomorrow, and if he gets the biopsy results, all is OK.

    Good that you're moving around better, yourself.

    I've just put on The News and I see that there's been a huge turnout in the U.S. election. It remains to be seen what this means.

  • I see you came on whilst I was writing, Rosy. Glad you were able to enjoy the theatre this time. Thank you for putting a name on my palm, which does appear to be one which remains relatively small.  There are some other, full sized palm trees on our Site as the man who founded it many years ago was trying to make it appear to be a relaxed, attractive resort type of place: he did a lot of planting and although some of his original shrubs have now gone, there remain some pretty rose bushes, hydrangeas, and yellow versions of red hot pokers!

    (It's changed hands twice since he retired, and is now larger, too.)

  • A busy few days. Sunday after lunch Dau#2 & entourage visited, gone by 3 pm, MissL would nap in car going home. Yesterday I accompanied Chauffeur Friend visiting some small cemeteries (she photos headstones), then we lunched at cafe with stained glass windows. Today food shop (included a few Ch-mass groceries) and nanny duty this arvo. Tomorrow <sigh> major repairs at dentist. Maybe Friday I shall start looking for bargain gifts for Little People. Santa arrives in town on Saturday with our Ch-mas pageant. With the upgrade, I guess we won’t be chatting for a while, so fare thee well until we meet again.

  • AQ: What! No photos of the cafe stained-glass windows!?  :-)  Good luck at the dentists and fingers crossed the upgrade will go smoooooothly.

    bjane: Back from Arizona then?  How was it?

    Rosy: Glad you made it to the theatre without incident.

    OG: Sounds like you might be off the morphine soon and hopefully back in action. It is good that J is getting the attention he needs for these spells - and at least he's going to be at a hospital.

    Not sure when they're planning to have the site down. If the election results don't thrill me, you'll probably hear the weeping and gnashing of teeth without any help - but I'm hoping I can raise a glass in modest celebration.  Take care everyone.

  • Hi, folks. It's my understanding that the site will go down -- we will not be able to post -- on November 8. Then the site will return -- we will be able to post again -- sometime between November 12 and November 18. 

    I noticed on my calendar that Heather and Clare will both have a birthday on November 18, so I'm going to go ahead and post their birthday cards below and say an early Happy Birthday to both of you!!!