WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 2018

Hallo all!

  • OG -- Yes, I went back to my picture resizing Site, and changed it by rotation!  Annoyingly, sometimes even if I change them around, they still come out differently when they're reproduced somewhere.

  • Lindy: I enjoyed your lovely photos. I've spent a lot of time on the Gulf Coast of Florida, but I have never seen palm trees blooming with such beautiful flowers. Wonderful! I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday. 

  • Good Morning.  Dry here, with a watery blue and white sky.

    I'm off doing errands, then I may pop in on my Friend again.

  • It's been dry, and the sunshine which peeped through showed some pretty avenues of trees as I went to see my Friend G -- there were some planted by the roadside which were rows of gold. I was also amused to notice that one of the lanes near where they live is called "Dark Lane" and I couldn't help wondering how it came to be named in years gone by....

    G was feeling rather wan, having had a rough couple of days, so I didn't stay long. I took some of her favourite jelly babies, as she is up and down about what she fancies to chew on. She's looking forward to a visit from her daughter, plus two large dogs, on Friday for the weekend.

    I hope that OG is feeling better now that she's managing to be up and about. 

    Also hope that Heather is being spoiled by her Danish friends, on her visit.

  • I found this picture of our holly tree, taken in 2011  and it's looking much the same today. Never lasts until Christmas, though as the birds happily strip the berries long before then!

  • Morning all:  Election Day here. Oh my. And there's a very good chance we shan't know the outcome for a few days.

    Meanwhile, I was looking at Lindybird's Palm Tree and reading Diane's comments and I'm wondering if the "flowers" aren't in fact the beginnings (or ends) of the orange berries that some Palm Trees put out. Those bright orange leaves are fronds and the only reason I'm wondering is that I had Palm Trees outside my Long Beach house and the darn things dropped hundreds and hundreds of small hard orange berries onto the grass parkway between the sidewalk and the road every year.  They piled up among the blades of grass and it was like walking on tiny marbles.  Raking them was a real chore; some folks paid to have the giant berry clusters removed before they started dropping.  Very messy.

    Lindybird:  We have a so-called Christmas cactus that is in full bloom right  now and will be done in another month. Don't these plants know when to bloom?  :-)

    Hallo to all!

  • Hi Annette:  We've seen these clusters before when abroad, and they do indeed look like small bright berries.

    We even had some "flowers" on a palm tree near our caravan this summer! --  but in this case, they're not orange, and look more like flowers. They smell gorgeous, too (The plant is only 3 feet high)

  • Lindybird: Those are definitely flowers, so that only proves that I'm not sure what I'm talking about - again.