Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 October 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. I thought I'd start the thread, because Annette is traveling.

I'm posting this photo (a National Park Service photo), because I was astonished to see a Scarlet Tanager eating small red berries in my garden this evening. These birds migrate to the tropical rain forest just east of the Andes in South America. It's been fairly cold here in my area, so this species should be long gone from here. I guess the one I saw this evening was a late migrater. I felt quite blessed to see him, and I wish the little fella well on his long journey. I hope the berries were good for him. 

Scarlet Tanager
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, northern Indiana
U.S. National Park Service photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • OG – I hope you are continuing to improve and can spend more time vertically. Sending healing thoughts.

    I was shopping for a summer dressing gown or brunch coat as they are sometimes known. Shop assistant had few, but did mention she had some “button-through nighties”. As they had pockets, I think they had been mis-labelled!

    Our dry winter and early high temps this spring have prompted authorities to bring forward the fire ban season.

  • Lindybird: When does the Orange Menace ever stop spouting! Ghastly man! :-(   I know what you mean about getting rid of clothes that might be an incentive to lose weight. I've made the mistake of buying a couple of things when at my skinniest - and then went back to my okay normal weight and never wore them.

    PatO: That's commendable to lose that much weight; did you just cut back on the goodies?  I'm sure the ship will have a gym and some sports activities to help you keep those pounds off (as long as you watch out for the buffets!).  :-)

    AQ: Oh that's discouraging to have the fire season declared early.  We are currently waiting for our rainy season to get underway in the next month or so. "Button through nighties"?

    OG: Thinking of you and hoping you're doing a bit better

  • Annette - I stopped eating those snacks that I thought I couldn't do without.  I could!  I have a pretty healthy diet with very little processed food and plenty of fruit and veg.  Portion control is my downfall.  I was pretty good on the Russian trip, and didn't over-eat.  But we only had four days when we weren't on excursions and walking around wonderful new and exciting places.  On the world trip there are several times when we have six consecutive days at sea, with little to do apart from walking around the deck.  Yes, I must indeed investigate the gym!  I can stick to three meals a day, and be careful at each meal.  But there are times … well, we all know about those!

    Nine weeks today - but of course I'm not counting!!

  • Hello all

    I'm nearly awake (!) in our friends' home, here in Denmark. The overnight ferry trip to Amsterdam was fine, breakfast on board was more than fine. I ate bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage,mushrooms, fresh fruit, rye bread and cheese and a Danish pastry. Not necessarily in that order! This is someone who doesn't often eat breakfast! Also fresh orange juice and three cups of coffee. Watch out, PAT, the sea air definitely does something to one's appetite....

    The drive through Holland was fine. Not so the next leg, across Germany. Just so much traffic congestion and long periods of waiting. After ten hours driving and an hour for lunch we arrived here last evening, all three of us very tired and the driver even more so. Being a rufty tufty bloke he denied feeling that way!

    When I connected to the internet last night I found out that Amy (my diabetic granddaughter) had had a crisis and was taken to A and E. Her insulin pump had failed and her glucose levels were sky high, plus had high ketones. They stabilized her and she went back to injections. She was told at the hospital no new pump until Christmas (!) but I've just heard that the company (Medtronic, I think) decided to send a pump by courier. It arrived at 3.30 am today much to the relief of my daughter and Amy. Going back to injections after having the pump was a bit of an ordeal, even though Amy is now 17.

    Thanks for all your chat, news and pics. Best thoughts to OG - It was good to read that she is making progress.

  • LOL, Pat, I'd be counting!

    Good Morning.  Sunny and bright here again. Can't take it in that it's the weekend again, already. 

    AQ -- Hope you got a dressing gown in the end. It's frustrating when you want a certain type but the shops are full of only one kind.

  • Heather, you came on whilst I was writing the above, and talking to my OH at the same time. Sorry to hear that Amy has had a bad time. Thank goodness it's been sorted now. Enjoy your visit!

  • Footnote:   There's been a lot written on here lately (great!) But on reading back I see that I completely forgot to mention how sorry I was to hear about poor Rosy and her husband, who had their theatre evening spoiled and also had the worry of going to hospital when he was taken ill.  I do hope he recovered well, Rosy, and that you have less to worry over, now. 

    Also thinking of our OG today, and hoping she is seeing some improvement.

  • Heather: Ugh. Can't imagine a 10-drive through traffic,etc. but glad you're there (when are you due back?); also that Amy is apparently settled after the insulin-pump failure and (speedy!) replacement. I wonder how real Danish pastries taste (we have them here, but I'm never sure if they're the real thing or not).

    Diane: I can start the thread tonight - and if you're in a DST state, don't forget to put your clocks back. We may be doing it for the last time here as California has a proposition on Tuesday's ballot doing away with Daylight Savings.  It's the one thing I couldn't make up my mind about and didn't fill in the little circle on my mail-in ballot.

    Feeling seriously low-energy today, so heading off to garden with lunch, a book and my zero-gravity, nap-inducing chair!  :-)