WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2018

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  • Did the shrubs talk back to you, Annette? Did they tell you that they would try not to grow so fast in future?

    Despite the very hot, dry summer, we have some Golden Robinia seedlings which have grown at an alarming rate. They will need to removed before they get out of hand. I had thought they were suckers, but apparently not. They are a bit "Jack and the Beanstalk"!

    Sorry about your health problems, OG. Hoping that you are feeling more comfortable with the new medication.

  • After 2 months delay I managed to return to Monday knitting group. Not the casual natter group of my first visit. This time the organiser was present and told (lectured?) me on What They Do. They knit for charity, the homeless. “In the last year we have made 520 articles.” A good cause but the approach was a wee bit off-putting. I still may drop in occasionally. I have a few items that I can donate – when I finish sewing them up. A librarian came in to ask if we would knit poppies for Remembrance Day, providing yarn and pattern. They need 100 for lapels for a gathering. Short notice, esp as library will be closed for renovations next week and thus no meeting. Perhaps I can drop my poppies in the after-hours book return!

  • Rosy: They thumbed their branches at me!  :-)

    AQ: I've also been somewhat put off by the rather authoritarian (dare I say bossy?) attitude of some of those in charge (some of them self-appointed) at a couple of volunteer gigs I looked into . What a shame...

    More photos from Santa Fe. The first one is by a Native American sculptor by the name of Allan Houser. I've always loved his work  it's in the gardens of the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture, one of four wonderful museums on so-called Museum Hill.

    This is by his son, Bob Haozous (his Native name).  It's called Gate/NeGate, and shows a locked gate topped with barbed wire. Below are faces depicting the various races representing the American Melting Pot plus other images (planes, dollar signs, etc) of "progress", and below that, the engraved names of more than 400 extinct native races that used to inhabit North, Central, and South America.   This one is in the grounds of the State Capitol building.

    This is in the rotunda of the State Capitol (near the buffalo head!);   Those are coyotes.

    A weaving in the same building (apparently depicting the eagle, much revered in Native culture. We somehow missed the label.

    Finally from Santa Fe, a photo of my niece outside the Museum of American Native Arts. The traditional mud-colored pueblo-style architecture is typical; this museum is apparently the only pueblo-style building in the historic area allowed bright colors.

    Next batch (in the next few days) will be of the Painted Desert, the Petrified Forest - and the Grand Canyon.

    Have a good Monday everyone; with special wishes to OG.

  • Good Morning, and special thanks to Annette for putting on the lovely museum pics. I like the eagle - I love native art. Your niece is wise, wearing sensible shoes! - bearing in mind what a lot she managed to pack in, during her visit :-)

    I hope OG is more comfortable today after her nasty experience.

  • Good morning

    Thank you ANNETTE for the photos. Like LINDY, I like the eagle. I had to look at it for a minute or so before I 'got' it!

    Not sure what son and I will be doing today, yet. The phone has been busy. The bereavement that we have been expecting happened a few hours ago. It may seem strange that I am so involved but I have known the gentleman in question for almost thirty years and he and my late OH got on like a house on fire.

    Callum is coming to wash and clean his car this afternoon, first time for ages. He has a new girlfriend and I think that he must have been using her parents' drive and power washer :-)

    Thinking about OG -

  • Sorry to hear that the gentleman has passed away, Heather. Will you be attending the funeral?

    Lovely sunshine here, but chillier than of late. My OH has been busy in the garden again, plus is digging over the allotment, a bit at a time. I've been putting away summer clothes and trying to throw some out which I must admit to myself, I'll never wear -- 3 bags off to the charity shop. Some of them are unworn as they've never fitted me and if I wait until they do, they'll be out of fashion!

  • Morning all:  I didn't take that many photos in Santa Fe, given that I was doing the driving, etc.   The historic area around the old plaza is lovely and quaint (although that word doesn't quite fit).

    Heather: Sorry to hear about your daughter's FiL (and your friend).  Hope his death won't exacerbate the family's issues

    Lindybird: I have to start switching summer for "winter" clothes, but I just have one long closet, so it's a question of simply moving things from one (more accessible) side to the other.   Yes, sensible shoes were at the top of our list.

    Best thoughts to OG

  • Thanks again for all thoughts and good wishes.  Not much happening here.  I have booked a telephone consultation with GP - for Thursday.  Now very bored with 'resting'.  Church newsletter won't get done, so they can wait for it.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG- not surprised you are bored with resting. I take that it is still bed rest? If so, that must be awful, away from all the action.

    LINDY- I won't be attending the funeral. He left specific instructions in letters to his two sons. A private funeral and only mourners to be his sister,his wife,his two sons, their wives and his grandchildren.

    ANNETTE- the family dynamics are still a bit dodgy :-(

    Son and I had lunch in town, today. He bought some clothes in the sales and then home for chat and a late supper. Just cheeses etc and a slice of pork pie and some chutney and beetroot.

  • Heather - I was really enjoying the sound of your late supper, until you got to 'chutney and beetroot'.  Can't cope with either of those.  What a good job we don't all like the same things - wouldn't life be boring!

    OG - Hope you are soon up and about.  I'm sure the church newsletter can wait - I'm battling with November's magazine at the moment.  People want an interesting, 'fat' magazine, but if nobody sends me anything … then it ain't going to happen!

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