Hallo all:  Lots of cruise info on the last two pages of last week's chat.....Hope the new week is kind to all...

  • Will post more photos later..

    Been busy today to the extent that when the doorbell rang at 10:30, we realized we'd forgotten that the carpet-cleaning company was coming  back to go over a couple of problem areas.  Then I remembered that I had to go pick up my new specs.  And then there was grocery shopping (at three stores yet!). Still, don't have to do much this weekend.

    Lindybird: Typical!  Men never ask the obvious next question do they?

    Rosy: Sorry about the neighbor.  Those community/neighborhood groups can get very political (and petty, from what I hear).

    Very hot here today; ugh. Another day and then it cools down....

  • Annette: That buffalo is glorious! What a wonderful and creative piece of art! (By the way, these animals are being reintroduced here in Indiana. I love them.)

    I look forward to more photos. Glad you got everything resolved. Yay!

    Hope everyone is well. 

  • Good Morning.  Dry again here.

    Love, love the buffalo, Annette - glad you managed to post it. It's so clever!   Hope the new specs are good.

  • Good morning

    Things here are very uncertain, daughter's FiL is in the Hospice. His wife is frozen in shock and her elder son is pretty much the same. That leaves my daughter and eldest son in law trying to hold things together for everyone. There is much more going on, connected with this deeply sad time, which I don't want to put on here but just wanted to tell you all.

    I can only offer a listening ear together with what I hope is good/practical advice.
  • How sad, Heather.  It's a difficult time for them all but I'm sure your listening ear will be appreciated.

    At least he is in the best place: hospices are wonderful places.

  • Thank goodness that he is in the hospice. The other family worries are really just a continuation of a situation that is years old. Just worse at the moment. You would imagine that at a time like this, families would pull together and think about the main issue. In my experience, however, an existing division often gets wider when there is a crisis.

  • Yes, it exaggerates it somehow. :-(

  • We have beautiful sunshine here. I've washed and put out some new towels I'd bought.

    I can hear some gardening activity in the next door where the single lady has moved in - she went off to the USA shortly after moving in, whilst there were workmen in the house, and then came back on the day we left on our holiday, so we've not seen much of her yet.

  • I just can't get going today. I also know that some replies from me are missing. I'm sorry.

    Nothing from OG since her back pain two days ago. I hope she is not still suffering.

    I did walk to supermarket this morning so haven't been entirely idle! I think that my son is still driving up tomorrow, from Shropshire. He has had to hire a car, he pranged his own yesterday morning when delivering Sam to school. Apparently the sun was very low and very bright and he misjudged the distance from the barrier at the entrance. Bad scrape and some damage to a door. Car now in hospital.

  • Heather:  Problems with SiL's family sounds very much like when my sister was so very ill back in 2016. her OH sort of went to pieces and the responsibility for holding together the logistical and emotional upheaval fell to my niece. Very difficult situation...  Re family divides, when my favorite cousin passed away last year, the prickliness that had always existed between her siblings and our side of the family was apparently very evident at the funeral.  Anyway, re your situation, words of support and (your very well-worn!) ear will give your daughter a chance to unload.  I bet your son is frustrated with himself - and the sun - over the car. That sort of thing is so exasperating.

    Diane: I can start the thread tonight.  Hope all your critters are doing well.

    Lindybird: Interesting that your new neighbor departed for the States and left workmen in her house. Hope things went okay for her.....

    I also hope OG is just busy with newsletters, etc.

    Our neighbors finally had their front garden landscaped but oh! they've got a wonderful and very, very large (and one can only assume expensive) Plumeria in a huge container at the entrance to their driveway - and they're not watering it so it's looking sicker each day.  I'm fighting the urge to go over and make a friendly suggestion but don't want to seem nosy (which I am with all things gardening).  It's even in the wrong location - too much sun and reflected heat from their concrete driveway!   :-( 

    Take care all.