Hallo all:  Lots of cruise info on the last two pages of last week's chat.....Hope the new week is kind to all...

  • Hallo all:

    OG: I hadn't heard that warning about pregnant women,, but I gather from Google that it isn't the only critter they should watch out for while pregnant (not to mention 5-inch heels!)..  Let's hear it for grumpy rants!  :-)    Hope your back pain eased up enough for a comfortable shower, but how frustrating for J!

    PatO:  We're certainly desperate t for positive role models!  :-)

    Heather: Lunch followed by TK (TJ here) Maxx sounds like my kind of day out.

    Rosy:  Oh my, Concrete down the sewer - there has to be a great joke about that, but I can't think of it.

    Lynette:  That was a really bad photo of the dolphin sculptures - I've seen much better pix showing fish features (and with kiddies riding them), but I took them from the car   Your poor OH: Shingles is so painful!   So smart to get it checked out so at least you can take off on vacation.....  Hope it's not too late to wish you a  lovely time away.

    Am going to try to post some more pix!

  • I have one photo that is in a portrait orientation in my photo file but which assumes a lendscape orientation when I upload it to this site. Does anyone have a clue how to fix it?  Very frustrating!

  • Annette: I'm just guessing here, but I'd try putting that photo in a post alone. That is, don't try to include it with other photos in the same post. 

    I know that on Instagram, you can post portrait photos and you can post landscape photos, but you can't put both orientations in the same post. They have to be separate.

    I'm off to bed, so I'll think about it some more while I got to sleep. :-))) Someone with more tech knowledge would be more helpful, I'm sure. 

    Hi, all!

  • Also, Annette. I loved the photos you posted! Lovely. I love that architecture. 

    AQ: I also loved the photos of your grandchildren. They are so beautiful. 

  • Good Morning.  Dry here, so hope to tidy up the garden a bit more.

    Annette -- Don't know how you can sort your photo problem, as I sometimes have the same one myself!

    Rosy - Your story was unbelievable! What a mess!  We lost both electricity and power together recently, and think someone digging holes had made a big mistake!

    Hopefully Lynette and her OH are now on their way, and can enjoy their holiday.

  • Goodness!!  -- it's been quiet on here today!   Maybe there's been a technical problem.

    We've been doing boring things like sorting out insurance and writing letters. My OH went out to an office to sign some papers, then later lost his reading glasses and realised he'd left them there ...he had to go back.

    A dry day, but not dry enough for the laundry again, so it's festooned around the house. My OH met the couple next door who said that it was the baby who'd been unwell recently. Annoyingly, he didn't ask what ailed her.

  • Hello Lindy,   I cannot have you talking to yourself!

    My day was not v exciting. Went to Waitrose and had a home delivery, so I could buy heavy things.(I usually walk home)

    Two very long and rather boring phone calls from a neighbour about various affairs here. We had a tree survey last Tuesday, and some work needs to be done, mostly for safety purposes. That is fine, but he spends most of the phone calls criticising other committee members. He probably says the same things about me to others. Not my favourite person!

  • LOL, Rosy.  Some people are like that.  They also make a big meal out of what should be a short phone call :-D

  • Unknown said:

    I have one photo that is in a portrait orientation in my photo file but which assumes a lendscape orientation when I upload it to this site. Does anyone have a clue how to fix it?  Very frustrating!

    Hey, Annette. I think I might have the answer.

    Do you have the Paint program on your laptop? You probably do. Look under Windows Accessories on your start menu. Look for Paint, not Paint 3D. You probably have both, but you want Paint.

    Go to this article. Don't worry if you don't understand all of it. Just go to the instructions at the end and follow them. They're simple. The instructions begin with the phrase: "Here's how to view the flag." 

    Here's the bottom line. You just have to follow the easy directions to check whether your setting for the photo is "Normal." 

    If it is Normal, just right click on your photo. Point to "Open with" and click Paint. When you see your photo in Paint, just click Save to save it. That's all you have to do. That will reset your orientation flag so the software on this LG site will know how to turn the photo correctly. 

    If the setting is not Normal, open the photo in Paint and use the "Rotate" button at the top left of the screen to rotate it manually. Then click Save. Again, that will reset your orientation flag and the LG site will load it correctly.

    Easy. If that doesn't work, I don't have any other ideas. Hope this helps.

  • Diane: You are brilliant!  This photo is for you.   It's (obviously) the head of a buffalo, but the really interesting thing is that it's made out of found art - fabric, paintbrushes, paper and God knows what else. It was hanging in the State Capitol building in Santa Fe - just spectacular.  Thank YOU so much for the information.  I'd been using the obvious rotate option and couldn't figure out what was going on - trust Microsoft to confuse things!