Hallo all: Lots of cruise info on the last two pages of last week's chat.....Hope the new week is kind to all...
OG: Hope you alerted the folks at Annandale to the fact that bragging about their super award-winning toilets is useless if people can't even get in the front door! I'm assuming you gave up and left. Is there a local authority that has jurisdiction over accessibility that you can contact? And of course, this is the kind of thing that's good to post on TripAdvisor.
Now, properly Hello!
Alicat – so sorry about family sickness and death – a hard time for you, and of course your work is a constant reminder of these circumstances. I do hope your Mother will accept the additional help that she will need.
Heather – good to see that your Daughter’s F-i-L is now in hospital, to receive the care he needs.
Linda – we haven’t attempted AutumnWatch this time as we have a huge backlog of programs to watch! Hope the MoT went well today.
Lynette – promising start here turned wet, but today sunshine has lasted – very pleasant. I do hope your OH will be fit for the cruise and that you won’t catch the eye infection or the cold – hope he has medication to take with him.
Annette – sounds a very interesting visit to the dental hygienist, with all the shared tears and laughter! Thanks for first two Santa Fe photos – like the architecture there – looking forward to more!
AQ – I was another who got the cat’s evening curfew wrong – it did sound as if it was a legal requirement! I hope today’s Nanny visit was a good one.
Heather – hope rain wasn’t sufficient to dilute the moss killer – or to wash it onto sensitive plants!
Re the Distillery – oh, yes, I shall be spreading the word! We did give up and went to the nearest garden centre for hot chocolate and carrot cake and a look at all the Christmas stuff which we have no intention of buying!
OH used the power washer to whoosh the front path this morning as I said it was slippy yesterday. He’s also been busy cleaning this afternoon while I have been working on the church newsletter – months come around too fast for me! J has gone out for the day – by train to the Metro Centre (big shopping mall) at Gateshead. There is a direct train from Carlisle, and OH drove him to our local station for the first part of his journey and will meet his train tonight. Looking forward to our dinner on our own – Macaroni Cheese and Salad.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
A tale of disappointment, OG. Also, how annoying!
Car passed its M.O.T alright, only needed a new lightbulb after it had been serviced. We then went off to Macclesfield for a routine medical appointment, which turned out to be a stressful journey as all the schools had just come out. Then there was an extremely slow machine cleaning the mud off the road, causing a queue. Then there was an ambulance, sirens blaring, which caused us all to cling to the kerb. Then there were some roadworks...... I thought my OHs blood pressure was going up, as he hates to be late for anything. As it was, when we finally arrived, we were on time and were seen right away. Phew!
I'm glad that you got there in the end, LINDY!
I'm going by train to Elgin tomorrow, with middle daughter plus Katie and Amy. We'll meet youngest daughter plus Mia and Isla, have lunch and then have a walk around the shops. Youngest son in law is still offshore. His rig has run out of water, for some obscure reason. Presumably the powers that be will be flying drinking water over. No showers but I'm sure that the boys will cope ;-)
HEATHER - isn't that just typical - all that time laid up at home when the girls were back at school, then October hols come along and he's offshore. But I am sure you girls and ladies will have a good time shopping!
Nanny duty turned out to be easy, only chore was washing to hang. Needless to say OH preferred to stay home & snooze over TV. Just as well as MissL had a meltdown when it was “Quiet Time” (reading followed by her nap}. She cried, demanded to stay with Mummy who had to leave for school pickup. In protest MissL curled into a ball in doorway of kitchen, I hunted for a cover, found a parka to drape over, and left her. When Dau returned, she carried her to bed and I did not see MissL again. Of course that left the field open for MissJ to present me with various games to play with her (“this one you have learnt to play, Gran”), supervise 32–piece jigsaws (she’s not as good at them as MissL) & read books. The cats were docile & sleepy having been dosed for anti whatever stuff. I forgot, I also helped chop veg for spag bol for tea. Amazing the variety that Dau manages to include!
Overcast dreary day. OH says he is out for lunch. We'll see.
Annette - Thanks for Santa Fe. The royal coverage here is not dawn to dusk. It's dawn to dawn! With so many royal activities this year, TV channels must be running out of docu-s about them. Last night Prince Albert was wheeled out.
I just turned on the TV and PBS is showing Autumnwath New England!! I have never seen Autumnwatch on TV here It's apparently a partnership between BBC and PBS (Public Broadcasting Service). They're at a pumpkin patch right now....
AQ: We had coverage of Eugenie's wedding (not nearly as much as Harry's). Funny how the Americans are so taken with the Royals.
Heather: Have a lovely day with the girls.
OG: Hope J had a successful day out.
Lindybird: Bet you were glad to get home after all that.
Have a good Thursday all.
Annette - I think Americans are fascinated by the Royals because they don't have the history we have. Also, at the moment I imagine most of them are jealous that we have a family we can admire ...
Good Morning. Foggy here, but my OH has gone off to golf regardless.
Glad you caught sight of some of the Autumnwatch, Annette -- I missed a lot of last night's, as I fell asleep in the middle and my OH didn't like to wake me. Eventually I roused enough to climb the stairs to bed...
Another busy day today, must wash all the doggy towels as it's going to be sunny, and then it's off to the hairdressers. Have a good day, All.