Hallo all!  Happy New Week.  (Sorry no picture.)

  • Rosy probably the first Council in Scotland to throw in the towel..seriously years of laurel sitting :-(

  • Good Morning, All.  Wrote those words at 7.30am this morning, but whilst writing my post, the electricity suddenly went off, followed only a few minutes later by the water supply! Then I found that the Internet wasn't working....... It was somewhat eerie and discombobulating, as I was already shellshocked to find that I was home and in my own bed, after all the travelling.

    We got the water and power back eventually, so were able to hose ourselves down and go out to the Travel Agents to voice our complaints........

  • We had a wonderful holiday in lots of ways. The food was excellent, and the staff couldn't do enough. The weather was mixed, with some disappointing days and others of lovely sunshine - it is after all, Autumn even in the Mediterranean! We began our cruise in Barcelona, called in to France, then spent most of our time sailing around Italy, which was superb. We had two days in spectacular Venice, and ended in Montenegro, which was also a highlight. More about it all, later. Lots of photos to come, too. 

    However, we had several gripes and will never again use our Travel Agents (TravelBag), or fly with Ryanair.  Or cruise with Royal Caribbean.

    Explanations, hopefully not too long, later. 

    Have been speaking to my Friend G's OH, who tells me that she has been in hospital again since last Wednesday. He will be ringing me tonight to explain what is happening, after visiting her this afternoon.

  • Hello, All.

    Lovely day here – but a cold wind even in the sunshine.  OH moved all the necessary plants – all cleaned and weeded – into the nice clean greenhouse this afternoon.  If rain holds off tomorrow, we shall all go to church in the morning – Harvest Thanksgiving – and if it stays dry even longer he might even mow the back lawn!

    Linda – sorry about the utilities letting you down this morning – not a good welcome for you!  Glad they were restored.  Sorry you had to make more complaints about the holiday, but good to see that most of it was good and the staff pleasant.  Sorry you had bad news of G today – hope this evening’s bulletin will be more encouraging.

    Amazing that another week has gone by!  Enjoy the rest of the weekend, those who can.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  Old college roommate of OH and his wife are stopping by for lunch en route to San Francisco from LA (they live in DC), so just had a quick dash around with duster, etc.  Then daughter, granddaughter and Ms D arrive for very fast 4-day visit on Monday.  Just spoke to gdaughter and she sounds so excited to - as she puts it - "go home."

    Lindybird: I've heard - and read - lots of bad stuff about Ryanair over the years.  I'm sure I mentioned a person I met in Ireland years ago referring to them as "scumbag airlines."  Too bad about Royal C  Guess you'll have to use Crystal next time (save your pennies for that one!).  Had to smile at "called in to France." :-)  Looking forward to photos (which reminds me I haven't posted mine yet). Not a surprisee to read that your friend is back in hospital though...

    OG: How nice to have those garden chores done.  Our hawk has become very active indeed this last week or two with lots of dove feathers as evidence of his success.  :-(   Did you ever get  a chance to check out that new frame?

    Heather:  Hope visit isn't getting too stressful.  When do they go back to France?

    Diane: I can start the thread tonight - no biggie either way.

    Not happy with Supreme Court outcome; seems like the old-boys network was hard at work....what a surprise.  Wouldn't be so ghastly if the Orange Menace wasn't out there crowing about how wonderful his is. 

  • Sorry about the situation there in USA, Annette: we've been following the news on our TV which although limited onboard, gave us international News and of course Royal C is an American cruise line. Everything was priced in dollars and about a third of the two thousand passengers were American.  Most of whom were charming ("after you, ma'am...... " and just a few who were rather loud). 

    My Friends OH came on the phone after I had just cooked dinner and was about to sit and eat it. He sounded stressed and has, of course, had a hard time of it. They discovered that he had fallen through a crack, as it were, with the Macmillan nurse arrangement as they live in one part of Cheshire and our Doctors' practice is in another. He had been complaining that he had felt abandoned. Hopefully, now he will get more assistance. My Friend was very poorly on Wednesday and to cut a long story short, was admitted back into The Christie. Today she showed the first signs of improvement but may have to remain in hospital for some days to regain strength. I will not be recounting her story in detail on here every day, as that's not appropriate, but it helps me to know that you are all thinking of me at this time.

    ----  ---  ----  -----  ----  -----   -----   ---- ----  ---- ----

    Ryanair were not helpful: we arrived at Manchester Airport at 4.30am having got out of bed at 2.30am, and had to queue for three quarters of an hour to get to a check in desk, only to be told that we should have checked in online! -- We were redirected to another desk where we had to wait, then pay 55 pounds each to be checked in manually by a hatchet faced woman. Then we checked in our luggage. By this time, there was not much time left for us to hastily grab some breakfast, which my OH queued for and which we ate quickly before dashing off to catch the plane. We hadn't been told by our Travel Agents that checking in online was necessary. It was a stressful start. We were very weary later in the day and had to rest after finally getting to the ship.

    I've had the washing machine on, and have emptied both of our suitcases - one of them will not be used again as we found that the zip around it was failing and we were only able to get home with it because we always take a strong strap with us, so were able to use it to hold everything together. We've used the suitcase for years so it has done a sterling job but my OH is still grumpy when I say we'll have to buy a new one!

  • FRIENDS OVER THE POND - so sorry about the vote!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Welcome home Lindy and pleased break was good in parts ..

    Not my scene at all as I like secluded breaks..

    Super day up here so dogs snoring after a busy day.

    Lots of discussions everywhere on “ over the pond issues”..