Hallo all!  Happy New Week.  (Sorry no picture.)

  • ROSY: Yes, a lovely steady soaking rain.  :-)   Think it will take more than lunch with friend to sort out the world, but glad you caught up with everyone in your circle.

  • Unknown said:

    AQ: Suggest cat's lick and promise wait until after the Fab Four have gone.

    Nay, Annette, lick n promise before, major clean up after visit. Actually they are pretty good, not many crumbs from lunch or snack. Where the Little People put all they ate, I have no idea. After lunch we had Hide & Seek – difficult for me to find a large enough hiding place, then delving into toy box, followed by visit to playground with G-pa & Mummy (when I cleared dishes and relaxed with a coffee). Puzzles, drawing until snack, then it was pack up time. I am about to recline horizontally until I have to get tea.

  • Good morning - dark and windy but dry so far.  Yesterday went downhill into dark and windy too, but OH finished cleaning the greenhouse and I trimmed a large amount of Parsley to freeze.

    ANNETTE - did you run outside to feel the welcome rain?

    Hello ROSY and all.

    AQ - sounds like a good day with Dau and the littlies - can't include Miss6 as a littly much longer!

    Food shopping in M&S after lunch today - no other plans.  May have a coffee there, or may come straight home to avoid afternoon rain.  I prefer to come straight home, otherwise I am persuaded to eat a cake which I don't need!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello to all -

    Busy with visitors so please forgive!

    I am reading all your news - thank you.

  • Good afternoon all,

    I hope all going smoothly with the visitors, Heather.

    I know what you mean about nice things to eat which you don't need, OG. I was in a similar position yesterday. OH and I rarely go shopping together (does not work out!)  We had coffee, and Himself being diabetic, needed some carbs. He partook of a raisin thingy, but I try not to eat anything with coffee. I do like one of those little biscuits which M&S cafe used to give out as standard. Now, they are kept hidden and one has to ask for them (which I do).

    Hope you enjoyed the horizontal time AQ. I think it was well deserved.

  • Morning all:

    OG: Indeed I did welcome the rain - and today the earth smells so wonderfully 'earthy.'  There's a name for it that I heard on a science program a couple of months back but forget it.

    AQ: Re cleaning techniques, in that case I would've dispensed altogether with the cat's lick and promise.  

    Heather: How is SiL's dental work going?

    Have spent the last three days making phone calls and sending e-mails to key senators regarding our Supreme Court nominee... fingers crossed at least two of the recipients has enough backbone....

    Off to have coffee with Brit friend, then errands to plumbing and hardware stores, the eye doc to search for frames (almost as bad as shopping for pants!) and stop in at docs to pick up paperwork.  And a wonderful cloudy gray day for it all.  :-)

  • Annette - I think shopping for frames is worse than shopping for pants.  At least people don't see pants!  But of course your being 'across the pond', you may be talking about what we would call trousers, in which case people would see them.  Memo to self - must get some new glasses!  I only use 'off the peg' ones since I had my cataracts done, and only use them for concentrated reading, so not quite as vital.

  • HEATHER - pleased the visitors have arrived - enjoy their company.

    ROSY - had a good shopping trip, and did have coffee - we compromised by sharing one iced spiced bun instead of having one each!

    ANNETTE - Smell of earth after rain is "Petrichor"; there is an explanation for it, but it's all Greek to me (LOL)!  Love that smell - and can sometimes hear the plants drinking too!  Hope your political efforts bear fruit!

    PAT - I need to make my post-cataract appt at the opticians.  Think I shall no longer need glasses for distance, and this morning had left them in the wrong room and read two pages of book without, although I know both implants are distant focus.

    Packing up early tonight - had a really bad night last night, with indigestion from eating korma - home made and very mild, but looks like I can only tolerate it at lunchtime meal now.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Evening all: Managed to pick out frames for glasses today! The frames themselves weren't the least expensive (gasp!) but it's the lenses (Varilux progressives) that really made me sit up. Still, they're on my face at least 18 hours a day so if you spread the cost out over the years I'll wear them it doesn't sound as bad.

    OG: Yes! Petrichor.  Thank you.  Hope you get a better night's sleep.

    Have a good Friday all.

  • OG Once known as LittleMiss, she is from this week Miss7, and definitely not little. Long legs and size 1 shoes, not much smaller than mine. For her birthday we gave her 100-piece jigsaw, book of Greek & Roman stories, atlas, t-shirt & a skort.  All duly admired but the atlas with its lift-up flaps of info and array of flags was most popular. She must have spent an hour looking for countries (and testing her mother). BTW a skort is a combined short skirt over shorts. Great for climbing without displaying knickers.

    Rosy – Horizontal rest meant I recovered to get tea - sausages with cooked veg for OH, leftover salad for me. But owee, my back was feeling sore this morn. A fairly quiet day, extra back exercises, weekly wash, watered tomatoes as temp is rising & no rain. Checked overnight bag, all present & correct, only need to add eye drops in morning.