Daily Update (LG Nest) Sunday July 18th

Hi everyone, I've not been in much to the site today, on and off. It was thought that the youngest had fledged but this is in doubt and until it is confirmed by The Team we can assume that it hasn't yet.

There have certainly been some near takeoffs and helped by the wind, the youngest has jumped and "flown" across the nest but this is all.   It has been the eldest getting bolder and the middle one taking on more flights. There's time yet.

Peaceful scene here with two young on the nest and the eldest probably on the cam post or way to the left at the edge,, don't really know where he is.

Happy viewing and we'll see what to day brings.  Over to the night shift.

  • Lynette D said:

    I think it was David on the main blog from  the center  said  the  eldest  roosts on a branch "under the nest"  Maybe that is what they are looking at 

    Remember the branch Odin  used to play hide and  seek with  EJ . We could see him peeking  over the edge of the nest :) That may be where the eldest sits 

    It settles on a branch underneath the nest then, Barbara Jean????



    Oops it was Izzy who said this   on the main blog  under " Up Up and Away "

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Well two chicks snoozing so let's hope they stay that way for a while.

    Lynette: Don't feel "obliged" to stay up late to start the thread.   There's always at least one of us lurking somewhere in the world who will be happy to do it if you're tired, etc.  :-)

  • Think I made a bloomer about 3 fledging  Sorry bloggers, think I got mixed up with 2.  I will blame it on old age lol.  That is my excuse anyway.

    Here's tae us

  • Unknown said:

    I think it was David on the main blog from  the center  said  the  eldest  roosts on a branch "under the nest"  Maybe that is what they are looking at 

    Remember the branch Odin  used to play hide and  seek with  EJ . We could see him peeking  over the edge of the nest :) That may be where the eldest sits 

    It settles on a branch underneath the nest then, Barbara Jean????



    Oops it was Izzy who said this   on the main blog  under " Up Up and Away "


    Thank for putting me right, Barbara Jean

  • Unknown said:

    Think I made a bloomer about 3 fledging  Sorry bloggers, think I got mixed up with 2.  I will blame it on old age lol.  That is my excuse anyway.

    Yes, Watcher2, I've just looked at it again and I think it was almost certainly #2 and not the eldest. #3 is still doing wing exercises but looks as if it will go any minute.

  • thanks everyone and great reports.

    Watcher2, please don't feel bad. If the people at the center can't tell them apart, what hope do we have! Keep posting the videos:)

  • gary a said:

    thanks everyone and great reports.

    Watcher2, please don't feel bad. If the people at the center can't tell them apart, what hope do we have! Keep posting the videos:)

    I agree!! Don't feel bad !!  Identifying them this  year is a major challenge 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean