Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 September 2018


Instead of an inserted picture, I'm offering A LINK this week. It's a photo that won an Audubon Society Photography Award, which shows an American Osprey and an Eastern Kingbird. I'm sure the Osprey was fine, but the photo displays the fierce nature of our Kingbirds. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Safe travels to all those on the roads. 

  • Dr Diane’s treatment is the best.

    Windy & showery this morn. It cleared after lunch; both OH & I attacked weeds. . . until another shower came. Who would believe it was 27 yesterday! Just a mere 10 mins in garden and I have a niggly headache. Pollen bah humbug. Nothing on TV tonight but repeats.

  • Glad you're feeling better, AQ, but shocked that it's still so warm there.

    My OH has brought me my cuppa. He's already had a bad start to the day -- he took Bonnie out, and she wrestled with a dead pigeon she found, and wouldn't let go of it. Then when he finally got home, he found he'd dropped his keys somewhere on his long walk this morning! He had to dig up the emergency key we keep hidden in the garden, to get back into the house. Now he's gone off again to look for his (very big) bunch of keys.  I never understand why he keeps so many together, they wear his pockets out.

    He said that he didn't try to alert me as our front door bell is out of order, and he thought I wouldn't hear him if he shouted!!

  • He's just back, and he's found them!! Phew!

  • Thank goodness for that, LINDY! Could have been difficult if he didn't have duplicates of all the other keys.

    OG - I didn't realise that a wheelchair would have to be serviced, but looked online and saw that tyres and brakes should be checked. I hired a wheelchair for my OH, latterly. From Ablecare, or similar. Not expensive, but we only had it for a couple of weeks.

    Hope that ANNETTE is relaxing, DIANE is OK - doesn't look as if weather is heading for Indiana?

    Youngest family have been here today, now away. Eldest daughter and family coming tomorrow. New anti virus to be installed on computers. I'm glad that her OH has always done that for us :-) I'm not very computer literate.

  • Hi all: Resting when I can as it's socially very busy here.   Niece is off today on boat trip to the Channel Islands. I'm off to pick her up shortly.  Grandson will be here in a bit for BBQ.  I've had my feet up in the garden and reading in between snoozing....  

    Diane: Please don't feel compelled to start the new thread tonight. I'll look in, but not sure when..

    Hallo to all.  Sorry no individual replies..  Take care and hope everyone who might be traveling has a lovely and safe trip

  • Oh, no worries, Annette. I like starting the new thread. Enjoy your activities. 

  • Heather B said:

    Hope that ANNETTE is relaxing, DIANE is OK - doesn't look as if weather is heading for Indiana?

    Heather: Latest predictions indicate that the hurricane remnants will reach Indiana, but not my region. I live in the west central part of the state, about an hour from the Illinois border. Thanks for asking! My state sent River Rescue crews, firefighters, and paramedics to help on the coast. I'm proud of our first responders. 

  • Pleased that things look as if they may be OK for you, Diane, although it's been awful for some others, I know.

    Glad you're resting in between being sociable, Annette!

    We went (OH and I) to visit my Friend G.  She was up and about this afternoon, and wanted to know all our news. Her tiny garden is still full of colour, they have a lovely sheltered spot completely walled in with structures built many many years ago, so they have taken the opportunity to grow various climbers up the walls and against the house: it's charming.

    Must get off to bed - don't know where the day's gone today. Another busy day tomorrow!