Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 September 2018


Instead of an inserted picture, I'm offering A LINK this week. It's a photo that won an Audubon Society Photography Award, which shows an American Osprey and an Eastern Kingbird. I'm sure the Osprey was fine, but the photo displays the fierce nature of our Kingbirds. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Safe travels to all those on the roads. 

  • Well enough to venture to library to replenish reading matter. Also made batch of mince (meat) pies for quick meals as freezer is rather bare.

  • Good to read that, AQ.

    Welcome home, ANNETTE!!

    OG - Hope you and EE are well, have missed you on here.

    Off to get a late shower. The foot is a bit better so might venture forth to the shops. I was miserable all day yesterday, did nothing  and then of course, sleep eluded me more than usual - and that is saying something! There is a limit to how much reading, looking at things online and watching TV that I can tolerate.

  • Sorry if the above seemed uncaring about those who cannot be active x I'm just a fidgety person who can't sit still for long:-(

    I did get out to supermarket and got so engrossed in bargain hunting that I quite forgot the 'sore' foot!

  • Good morning, all. 

    Gillian: That is a very, very handsome baby. Lovely photo!

    Heather: I'm sorry that you fell. Take it easy on that foot.

    Lindy: I don't think I've had 75 pairs of shoes total in my life. LOL!!! Good luck with your packing. 

    AQ: I'm glad you felt well enough to visit the library. I prescribe that you spend the next 7 days reading and eating chocolate. 

    Annette: Welcome home!!! I hope the hummingbirds were still around to welcome you. I've only seen one here this year. 

    Hey, folks. Hurricane Florence is getting closer to the east coast. If anyone wants to see the storm come in, you can watch the CNN webcam. It's only available during daylight hours in the U.S. Here in the east, we're 5 hours behind you. Also, there's no audio. Hurricane force winds could arrive by tonight and landfall could be tomorrow. It's a massive storm. A hurricane-hunter aircraft measured 83-foot waves at the eye a couple of days ago. Just thought I'd pop in and give you the link.

  • Thanks, DIANE. I heard that the Hurricane was now Category 2 but still could wreak havoc. I will certainly look at the link.

  • Heather: I sort of breathed a sigh of relief when they downgraded it to a Cat 2. But then I watched a meteorologist who was ranting at folks on TV last night to not focus on the category (the wind speed). He was lecturing that the danger of Florence is its massive size and the storm surge, extreme rainfall, and flooding. He said that since the storm has been downgraded, a lot of people decided not to evacuate, and officials are worried about the death toll. He reminded me that Katrina was only a Cat 3 when it made landfall. I'm a little worried about my roof and about my creek flooding if the remnants of the storm get pushed over Indiana, so he didn't make me feel any better at all. :-(

  • Thanks, Diane - the hurricane has featured on our News a lot in the last few days, it's good that its possibly going to be weaker, but apparently there is still a big risk of flooding. Hope no lives are lost.

    Heather, well done on getting out and about in spite of your ankle injury. I was thinking of you this morning but in such a rush to get out of the house that I forgot to say......  Hope you did get some bargains!

    Got my hair cut, it had been six weeks instead of my usual four or five, and there was a lot of hair on the floor when she finished. Got food supplies afterwards, and forgot to hand in a coupon for three pounds off, because of a muddle over getting my car park ticket validated by the shop. Grr!

  • Diane, you came on whilst I was wittering, I hope you will be OK over the next couple of days.

    My OH has just come home and is very tired after his golf - he took some friends off to the airport before he went out, and had already taken the dog out before that, so he's had a full day already!

  • DIANE- understand a little more, now, thanks:-) Fingers crossed for your roof. I thought I heard some news from Indiana the other night on World Service - but sometimes I dream things up! I looked online the next day. There was news of an oil pipeline bursting?

  • Heather: Didn't mean to rant at you. I had torrential rain all last weekend from the remnants of tropical storm Gordon. I looked out at one point and my front yard was filled with grey tree frogs -- seriously, FROGS -- that had come down out of the trees because of the storms (I guess). It was eerie, like some kind of Biblical plague or omen. LOL!!! I just need some normalcy in my life right now. Too much upset lately.

    Yup, you're right. A Houston company leaked 8,000 gallons of jet fuel into the St. Marys River in Indiana. That area was an important turtle breeding/nesting ground, so the pollution was doubly damaging (that's what I read, anyway). The fuel will probably end up in the Great Lakes. I said many sweary words during the news report. I'm using a lot of them these days. :-))) Info HERE and HERE