Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 September 2018


Instead of an inserted picture, I'm offering A LINK this week. It's a photo that won an Audubon Society Photography Award, which shows an American Osprey and an Eastern Kingbird. I'm sure the Osprey was fine, but the photo displays the fierce nature of our Kingbirds. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Safe travels to all those on the roads. 

  • Aw,  I love babies!  What a star, Gillian.

    AQ - A bit of a come down after your feeling young.  :-(   Glad you've not got Nanny duty this week and have chance to recover.

    Grey skies here but a dry day forecast. Going to do lots of small things today, including clearing out our bedroom, which looks like a saleroom!

  • Just as well nanny duty was cancelled, I fell asleep reading after lunch, slept 1 – 2.30. Oooh, lazy tea tonight as I had thawed soup, expecting usual Wed late meal. Grey skies. Crab apple blossom has begun.

  • AQ- Nice to get a compliment - hold on to it, even if it was spoilt a little, later!

    GILLIAN- what a lovely baby!

    LINDY- half the pleasure of a holiday is the anticipation, I think!

    I slipped on the stairs this morning :-( Half asleep and thought that I'd reached the bottom. Now have a sore ankle and walking is painful. Silly me. At least I was holding the banister rail.

  • Whoops! Heather.  That could have been nasty. I always hold the rail as I'm terrified of slipping. Hope your ankle doesn't swell now.

    I say to my OH that a lot of the pleasure of travel is the anticipation, and yesterday he said that he was beginning to get excited about this one - which for him, is a dramatic statement!! (A man of few words)

    He is at the moment cleaning the glass panes in some of our internal doors - what a treasure he is! He's going to put away our garden furniture today, so I guess summer is gone now :-(

  • LINDY- I noticed yesterday that a neighbour a few doors along had taken her hanging baskets down. She had several and they were still looking good, or so I thought!

    The Danes have booked my cabin on the Newcastle-Amsterdam ferry. I will reimburse them when they arrive here on 27th October. Now I must book a flight home. Not sure yet how many days I will stay there.

  • Hi all.  Thank you Diane for opening and what a super story, may they long rule in your haven and keep enjoying their antics.

    Not been on for a while. Not a lot going on here. OH is commentating at our County Ground on one of the last cricket matches of the season, another one in a fortnight and then bedtime for the winter. The cruise is getting nearer and we are awaiting the experience with great anticipation.

    Annette glad to hear you are enjoying your break in the Grand Canyon with niece and that your sister is well on the way to better health.

    PatO do enjoy your cruise to the Baltic.

    Thank you HeatherB.   OG hope all is well and that you like your new storage arrangements, its often nicer when a sudden descision is made to move furniture around and the outcome is pleasing to all.

    Lindy, glad you had a lovely break with family in the LAKES. ChrissyB - hi.

  • AQ - hope you feel better soon.

    Annette - make the most of your last days with niece. Plenty of time to relax when you get home. lol.

    Lindy, you've reminded me, back to good old fashioned porridge for the winter with GS on top, yum.  Been having banana and yoghurt alternatively with cereal during summer. Sounds like my OH. Won't do a cooked breakfast at home but when on holiday make the effort or if in a hotel he'll have one.  Heaven knows what he'll be like on the cruise.

    Hope all are Ok and will try to look in more frequently and hear what you've all been up to.

  • Nice to hear from you again, Lynette. Not long until your cruise, now, either!

    Hope that Annette has had a good time with her niece and has a safe journey home again.

    Heather, we took out some of our bedding in pots but still have quite a lot of colour in the garden. I spent half an hour this afternoon planting bulbs into pots to put on the patio, so that next spring we'll have something bright to cheer us up. 

    The sun came out here this afternoon. I've moved between the garden and the bedroom and the computer, but not found time to do the bedroom tidying I mentioned <sigh>  - days are never long enough.

    Hope that Dibnlib is OK.

  • Good Morning. Sunny here.

    Good to see that Annette is home safe after all her adventures. Looking forward to maybe seeing a few pics of her exciting travels.....

    Hope that AQ is feeling better.

    I'm off to get my hair cut and buy a few supplies this morning.