Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 September 2018


Instead of an inserted picture, I'm offering A LINK this week. It's a photo that won an Audubon Society Photography Award, which shows an American Osprey and an Eastern Kingbird. I'm sure the Osprey was fine, but the photo displays the fierce nature of our Kingbirds. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Safe travels to all those on the roads. 

  • I meant to come on earlier to say I am glad that Linda had a good visit to the Lakes, and good weather too! It also sounds to have been a good family visit this weekend.

    I am missing the ospreys already, we have been lucky in this area with some successful nests, great after many years of there being only the one at Bassenthwaite.

    I have my garden volunteering to keep me busy, anyway.

    My brother is staying at the hospital's own accommodation during the week, which seems preferable to him than the trip up and down to Preston every day. Early days yet.

  • I hope the card making is going well OG. I have not done that for years, at one time I did cross stich embroidery and made small Christmas cards for a couple of years.

    Annette's trip with the niece sounds wonderful, what a lot of great sights you have visited! Hope to see some photos?

  • Lovely day with family.  

    PatO: Have a lovely trip!

    Hi to everyone; hope all are well

  • Good Morning, All.  A bit grey here, but mainly a dry forecast.

    Sounds as if the rearranging has benefited everyone, OG: hope your legs are feeling better now.

    Pat, you'll be getting excited now that your cruise is only days away: I suspect that you'll have to put in a few warm clothes for St Petersberg.

    Lots to do here now I'm back. Must start by emptying and putting away the small suitcase. Later, we'll dig out the two big ones ready for our next trip, as suddenly were off on our cruise in less than two weeks! 

    More later from me, must get going!

  • I wheezed through my day bus trip with help of puffer, and very little walking, sometimes remaining on bus at places I had been previously. Diane – I think your support helped too! Slept overnight, plus am & pm naps. Appetite has returned. Chicken + sauce from a jar + pasta baking in oven for tea. Photos sometime.

  • Good morning – expecting rain later, but a pleasant start to the morning.

    Chrisy – Lakes really have a good Osprey story to tell this year!  I hope your brother has a smooth ride through his treatment - hope he will be comfortable and get necessary rest in the hospital accommodation.  25 cards finished now, and today I want to do some using up leftovers rather than the new items I bought.  I did some embroidered ones in the past – very effective, but too difficult for me now.

    Annette – glad you had a good day with the family.  Where to next?

    Linda – legs were reasonably useful yesterday, a bit painful in the night (but did get some sleep) and have started well today, thanks.  Good luck with the unpacking and packing!  The cruise does seem to have come around suddenly after all the anticipation!

    AQ – I hope you enjoyed your chicken dinner, and have no ill-effects after the bus trip – sounds as if you paced the day effectively.

    Off to do things – OH is at Tesco for routine shopping.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG:  Another day here with family; then to Palm Springs for one night to stay a lovely old hacienda-type motel from the 1920s.  I told niece she can do what she likes (two swimming pools there); I shall be in the air-conditioned room with my book as temps will be just over 100F!     Then home Wednesday to recover  :-)

  • AQ - Glad you've been pacing yourself. And that you were able to go on your trip.

    Diane - Loved your Kingbird story. They seem to be real characters! You see such interesting wildlife without even leaving your property, I'm green with envy.

    Chrisy - Thinking of your brother and his ongoing treatment. It seems very sensible that he can be put up so that there's no long journey involved.

    Annette - What a trip you and your niece are having. She must be thrilled, and I'm sure is enjoying it all with you as such a good companion and ambassador for your adopted country. Looking forward to pics later on.

    OG - I try to make more cards with "the leftovers" otherwise you do end up with lots of odds and ends. Goodness knows when I'll get time to sit down and make mine this year.....

    Breakfast:   I have that pre prepared porridge in small packets: you just add milk and bung it in the microwave. I put nuts on top before serving. Years ago I had a sudden urge to add walnuts and other things to my breakfast, and it was a year later that I read that such things are beneficial to menopausal women! -My body must have been putting in a request! I told my doctor about it and he looked mildly interested. Probably thought "Nutty women say weird things," LOL!  Sometimes I feel like a change and have a mixture of three cereals, including Weetaflakes which are like brown cornflakes, with cold milk, but I still have almonds or some other nut on top.

    My OH has had (real) porridge for breakfast for over 50 years, long before it was announced that its good for you. When on holiday, he has the "Full English" fry up as a treat.

  • In a contemplative mood today, planning major garden refurbishment. (Next year - just struggling to keep things looking tidy).

    A showery day here but looking at the rain radar,OG - heavy rain coming your way?

    Glad that you kept symptoms at bay, AQ while on your outing.

    Regards to all -

  • Glad you enjoyed your time with your friend, Heather. Perhaps she has helped you to re-evaluate what you need to change and you're starting by looking at the garden first?

    Sorry if I've not replied to everyone's posts but it's been a scatter gun approach with my looking at the thread and then trying to remember who I've commented on, then my rushing off to do something.

    We've had it dry enough to put laundry out, but it's rather autumnal in the air, and the grey clouds we had have hung around all day. My OH went to the allotment and brought back green beans and beetroot, which he has cooked. 

    My Eldest presented me with some posh perfume, and a bottle of champagne..... wasn't sure if I was meant to open it right away but we did have some prosecco which we had provided! (Just had to add prosecco to the dictionary on here, it's very popular now in the UK). Our Youngest and family came around for lunch and the rest of the day on Saturday, so lots of adult talking and children's play, as our grandsons discovered the trampoline in the garden.

    My Youngest arrived early and said it was no problem getting there for lunchtime..... as Matthew had woken the whole family at 3.00am!!  :-((

    Took Amber to the park on Sunday morning before we ate up the salad leftovers and headed home. Lots of pics, will put some on here another day.