Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 September 2018


Instead of an inserted picture, I'm offering A LINK this week. It's a photo that won an Audubon Society Photography Award, which shows an American Osprey and an Eastern Kingbird. I'm sure the Osprey was fine, but the photo displays the fierce nature of our Kingbirds. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Safe travels to all those on the roads. 

  • The photo linked in my above post reminded me that I wanted to give you all an update on "my" Eastern Kingbirds.

    Some of you may remember the year the Kingbirds nested in my garage. All summer, every time I raised the door to get my lawn mower, they attacked me and tried to peck my head.

    I’ve been able to establish peace and trust with all the wildlife on my patch, except these avian warriors. Kingbirds are small birds, but they are renowned for their aggression, fierceness, and utter fearlessness. Even R. T. Hawk and his mate are afraid of them!

    The Kingbirds and I have at least reached a truce. After that first challenging year, I sealed up the garage, so now they nest in an old split tree behind my house. Every spring the male shows up first and announces his presence, and we henceforth avoid close contact out of mutual respect for each other.

    This spring, in late April, I was cleaning the windshield on my car and I heard a call like the terrible sizzling sound made by a downed power line. I looked up in the pine tree, and I was happy to see that my old nemesis had arrived from his long migration.

    I told him, “Mr. Bird, you’d better behave! You’ve been in South America, and you don’t realize that times aren’t good up here in the U.S. I’m not putting up with any of your **** this summer!"

    He stomped up and down the branch and glared at me ferociously.

    I shook my finger at him and warned, "Remember, I’m the baddest critter in this valley!”

    He stared me right in the eyes, stamped his feet, and spread his wings.

    I laughed and opened my front door to go inside. The Kingbird let out a loud, ominous hiss in my direction. He had to have the last word!

    I collapsed in laughter on my porch. Every year I enjoy watching them. I study their behavior to figure out what makes such small, pretty birds so formidable. They are an annual lesson in courage for my own life, and I treasure them. They left this past week to return to South America to eat fruit for the winter, and I wish them a safe journey.

  • Diane: OMG, another week already?!  Thank YOU and also for that fab link to the kingbird and the osprey.  Amazing!   Had to smile at your story of your difficult tenants.  I carry on conversations with the crows - the five of them are on the telephone line as soon as they hear the patio door open first thing each morning.  I'm wondering if any of our hummingbirds will still be around when we get back to Santa Barbara.....

    Heather: Yes indeed, niece is marveling at the size of the country and spectacular sights....  She really deserves it after taking such wonderful care of my sister and BiL when my sister was so ill last year.

    Meanwhile, we saw condors(!!) at the Grand Canyon yesterday.  They have a 9' wing span and were circling over the canyon walls.  I spent almost as much time gazing up at them as I did down into the canyon.  Took some photos that in no way will do them justice., but if one of them is halfway good, I'll post it when things have settled down.

    I've been scanning posts but have obviously had no time to respond.  :-(   Take care everyone.

    Niece and I are in Prescott Valley now with daughter, g-daughter and Ms. D (who is at her father's house tonight and will join us tomorrow).  

  • Diane - thank you for starting us off.  And particularly thank you for your tale of the kingbirds.  I have not heard of them before - what aggressive little birds.  You started my morning with a smile with your story of your 'conversation' with your residents.  Mutual respect is good, and he obviously got the message!

    Annette - What an amazing trip you are having.  I have never wanted to go to America, but have wanted to be whisked by magic carpet to the Grand Canyon.  It's great showing places you know to someone who has never seen them - like seeing them for the first time all over again.  Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip - and thank you for sharing it with us.

  • Oh, dang. I meant to wish AQ a wonderful bus trip, and now I think I've missed her. Have a GREAT time, AQ!

    Enjoy the rest of your trip, Annette. Safe travels back to California. Hope the hummingbirds are still around to welcome you.

    Pat O: In case I forget, I hope your cruise is everything you've dreamed of. Have a wonderful time! I look forward to hearing the details. 

  • Thank you, Diane.  I leave on Wednesday for two wonderful and hopefully relaxing weeks, cruising around the Baltic, with the highlight being St Petersburg.  The fulfilment of a very long-held wish.

  • Good morning on a wet day - but I believe it is sunny and warm for those in the south!

    Diane – thanks for the new week – they seem to be coming around so fast at the moment!  That photo really shows the aggressive nature of the Kingbirds!  Loved your description of the male’s behaviour on your land, and your conversation with him!  Certainly sounds as if he listened!

    Annette – pleased to see your safe arrival in Prescott – enjoy the family time there.  Those Condors must have been amazing to watch at the Grand Canyon!

    Pat – good morning – hope you are having a quieter Sunday this week, and then enjoy the Baltic cruise!

    We had a “silly Saturday” – spur of the moment decision to swap some furniture around – J’s bookshelves in exchange for a large one of ours from the dining room.  He is happy with the extra height and depth and is unpacking some of his stored books from the loft.  We have redistributed some of our stuff, which involved the lounge and study too, and we fetched the doors for his from the loft, so I have gained it as a cupboard for my craft storage – much better than the open shelves.  I mostly helped by “advising” but keeping out of the way!  Everyone is pleased with the new arrangement.  Now OH is having to finish tidying up and doing the Saturday jobs, so we shan’t get to church, and J will go out because he stayed home yesterday. 

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - My Sundays are rarely quiet!  And this has been no exception.  Added to my normal duties, I need to start packing ...

  • Thank you DIANE! Enjoyed your story x

    LYNETTE- thinking about you, I'm watching an Andre Rieu concert that I recorded some time ago.

    PAT- in case you are busy packing, enjoy your cruise! Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen are also popular!

    OG - J will be happy to have more of his possessions around him!

    Quiet day here, rain then sun.

  • Hi there! - we are back home, having had good journeys both there & back, and have enjoyed time with our family. Lots of talk, play and giggles!

    Off to read back on this thread now.....

  • Welcome back, LINDA - pleased about journeys and the good times together.

    Made more cards this morning, and been helping J to sort paperwork - he was a bit behind (putting it mildly) with filing.  He also unpacked some of his books from the loft - a set of "The Chronicles of Narnia", and another of ancient Rev Awdry Railway stories!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!