Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 September 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week. There were lots of posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
U.S. National Park Service photo/S. Zenner
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Here's an easy LINK to the end of last week's thread, so you can get caught up. :-)

  • I dropped in here yesterday between coughing (yet another winter chest cold). I could not understand why no one had started a new thread. Where was Diane? Why didn’t Annette step in? I felt too fuzzy to attempt it. Just as well, as it was still Saturday! Thank you Diane for setting me on the right day! BTW your rain arrived – I was drenched in supermarket carpark.

    Fathers Day in Aussieland. OH has been informed that he is to answer any phone calls. I decided not to share my germs at church.

    OG – MissL seems to need sleep more often. If she doesn’t have a nap, she falls asleep just before teatime. I notice she now only has about 2 hour nap. I try to settle her at 2.30 pm and she can see me before I leave 5.30-6 pm. She is a zombie for the first half hour. MissJ runs on a different engine; on the go all the time!

    Heather – Tell your dau-i-l not to fret, when they are ready they will give up nappies. MissJ trained in a week. But MissL took months longer, soon after 4th b-day. Now such tiny little knickers in the washing.

    Annette - I think an hour or so indulging luscious cakes without Little People will be celebration enough for Dau.

    Hello to others i should reply.

  • Diane: Thank you!  I was talking to kids today about never seeming to be able to keep up with which day it is anymore and had that confirmed when I came on and realized next week is here already.

    Gillian: Bravo for reporting the wretched situation with those birds; do hope you get an update or at least know who to call to find out what happened.

    Long day's drive tomorrow, so am packed up and ready to hit the road again.....  

    Take care all

  • Thank you, DIANE and thanks for news, everyone.

    Just about to go downstairs and have coffee with my friend.

  • Good Morning, and Thank You to Diane for starting us off with the b-e- yewtiful bird!!

    Dull skies here but warmer.

    AQ - Sorry that you've got a cough again. Hope that you can rest now you've done your Nanny stint for this week. The twins seem to grow even more different as they get older.  Hope your OH enjoys his Father's Day.

    Annette - Have a good and safe journey.

    Heather - Enjoy having your friend for her visit.

  • Good morning – dull but dry so far – lots of puddles from yesterday.

    Annette – thanks for repeating niece’s itinerary – must be a wonderful rail trip from Chicago to Santa Fe – crossing all the big rivers!  Wishing you a safe drive to pick her up today – and on the rest of the tour!

    Heather – enjoy your road trip and lunch today – should be quite good up your way – go east rather than west for best weather, although Strathglass and Glen Affric would be good!  Amazed at you friend’s blood levels – and there was I worrying about a pre-diabetic 7.2!

    Linda – good to see you are home after your celebration weekend – Bonnie too!

    Rosy – I hope a good compromise can be reached over the autumn planting – I think I am an in between gardener like you – not so ruthless with sorting and flinging as I am in the house!

    Gillian – glad you enjoyed your Island holiday – but sad about the captive birds (maybe they are rescue birds, but still should be kept in better conditions).  There have been so many biker accidents recently – four deaths in Scotland last weekend. 

    Diane – thanks for starting the week – with another great bird picture!

    AQ – sorry you are getting so many colds and coughs – one of the delights of proximity to grandchildren, I assume!

    Just a few things to do before setting off to Langholm – having a quiet morning so I don’t get too tired.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Bonnie's Blog:

    Today, my Dad took me for a very long walk 1st thing, then both Mum & Dad went out to something they called "The Scouts Annual Car Boot Sale" -  I'm not sure if they sell boy scouts or something.....  Much later, they came home with lots of boxes which Mum said had jigsaw puzzles in them, for the grandchildren. They said they were going to have something called corned beef for lunch, and Mum got some jars of pickle and chutney out to have with it, but then appeared swearing, as there wasn't any of the beef stuff in the fridge or the tin cupboard! So they had to have tinned tuna instead.

    After they had a sit down, my Dad took me for another walk and I found a lovely chewy piece of very old, dead rabbit, in the woods. Dad couldn't take it off me, as I ran away with it, so we couldn't go home until I had chewed it all! Yummy!

  • I had a lovely surprise, today, as a box was delivered this afternoon containing over 22 beautiful pink roses, sent by an old friend of mine. I rang her to thank her, I was very moved to receive such a thing. They've filled two vases!

    It's been a warm day, and it got sunnier as it went on. I spoke to my Friend G, and she has not been feeling too good, so we both hope that I can visit her tomorrow.

    When we went to the Car Boot event this morning, I took with me the only thing I had bought on our travels over the last few days: a hat! My dear sis in law has been looking in vain for a sunhat similar to one which I had - when we went to the Flower Show recently, I searched for one for her. But when we were in Hawkshead on Saturday, I spotted one, and bought it immediately! Today, I gave it to her as a surprise - thankfully, she loved it! 

  • Evening all:  Long but very good drive today; traffic was well-spaced and fast with no apparent idiots.  Fab scenery and, because it's the deserts' rainy season, lots of greener and yellow wildflowers with huge white puffy clouds that formed hammerheads during the afternoon.  You could see the dark rain smudges in all directions but lovely sunshine along the I-40.  I was somewhat apprehensive about driving 400 miles in one day, but I had cruise control on most of the way never use it in cities/heavy traffic) and some interesting podcasts so the miles went by quickly. Niece texted me all excited when she boarded the train in Chicago and had managed to snag a seat in the observation car.  Hope she gets good weather en route.  Will be such a treat to see her tomorrow after all the planning.

    Lindybird: What a lovely surprise from your friend! I've got an ancient sun hat with a very light plastic strip insert around the edge of the brim.  The plastic snapped and now the hat has peaks in the rim, front and back and I've been trying on hats all over the SouthWest, but can't find one that's as light and comfy, so I can understand why your SiL was thrilled.

    Heather: How long is your friend staying?  Have you said anything more to her about taking better car of herself? Now I'm wondering just how much she really monitors her blood  while at home.....

    Must put some drops in eyes; all this air-conditioning is very drying!

    Have a good Monday all.  It's Labor Day here - the unofficial end of summer.

  • Annette: I'm glad your drive was pleasant. The desert wildflowers must be a glorious sight. Wish I were with you. I hope your niece has a nice journey and gets to see everything. Wonderful that she got a seat in the observation car. 

    Lindy and Gillian: Welcome back!!!

    Lindy: The roses must have looked beautiful. Such a nice gift.

    Heather: Enjoy your time with your friend.