Shapwick Moor Osprey

Spent 7 hours watching this Osprey at RSPB Shapwick Moor a few days ago. It is a un-ringed bird. To watch it dive into the water from a great height and fly away with a large fish is just truly amazing... a few more of my photo's...
  • Welcome Paul

    Thank you very much for sharing your photographs with us, they are fab. 

    I had to look up where Shapwick Moor is, you were so fortunate to enjoy the company of this Osprey, maybe one on migration. 

    I hope you don't mind but as the links needed to be copy and pasted into the browser to view, I have snipped them to post here. 


  • Many thanks, Paul, for posting your super photos.  What a wonderful day you had!  I too had no idea where Shapwick Moor is, but I do now!  Near Glastonbury, what a lovely part of the country.

    And thank you Mary for bringing over the photos, that is very helpful of you - as ever!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Lovely pics thanks Paul, and Mary for posting. So nice to see an osprey still about.

  • Paul, Many thanks for sharing your photos and thanks to Mary for posting them here!  Shapwick Moor is a small part of a complex of nature reserves in the area known as Avalon Marshes.  We've only had a chance to see a tiny part of one of them, RSPB Ham Wall, where in the hour we were there in 2016 we were fortunate to see a Glossy Ibis and a Bittern flying across in front of us while we were sitting at the first viewing platform.  Each reserve is owned by a different society but there is a small Avalon Marshes visitor centre just down the road from Shapwick Moor with information on all of the local reserves. There is also a craft/gift shop at the centre and there are plans for a restaurant.  There was a tiny restaurant a couple of years ago but when we were there last autumn it had closed although we could get a cuppa in the shop.  It is an area worth visiting.  Have a look here:

    Kind regards, Ann