Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 August 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week!

Bull Moose "Laughing"
Grand Teton National Park 
U.S. National Park Service, NPS/Adams
Photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • Beaugh!...................I hate them!

  • Heather   Sorry you lost the post about the huge spider. As long as there was no picture attached!

    Lovely pics from the Flower show, Lindy. Like you (and most of us,I think) I much prefer the natural looking gardens, with actual plants as opposed to artificial structures. I like the gate, though.

    There is life after 70!  It just gets a bit slower, and any eccentricities are put down to old age. Think of the fun you can have! Oh! and I now get a discount on the Green waste bins!

    Sorry about your transport problems OG. That equipment sounds complicated.

    Hope J is feeling better tomorrow.

  • Evening all; Another busy day getting house and myself organized before I leave on Thursday.  

    Lindybird: Happy Birthday!  I was born before the NHS in a hospital (no idea how that worked)  Those were HUGE onions!  Amazing. Liked the flower people and the Climate Change combination - and the horse and cow(?) sculptures.  An interesting second life for that  bus!

    OG:   I'm so sorry J is feeling anxious - sounds like one of those self-fulfilling prophecies.  Hope the hoist control gets sorted quickly and complicated the trip home.  (Better to be stuck behind a horse than multiple lines of cars on a freeway).   :-)    Interesting about those lakes (that lake!) in the Lake District.

    Heather: Not the sort of surprise one needs in the middle of the night!

    The nights are cooler here too, but no rain likely for another couple of months - if we're lucky.

    Anyway, thanks all for posts and have a good Wednesday everyone.

  • Good Morning. Dry here and a little warmer.

    Thank you, Annette - it's my actual birthday on Friday (I will not be online for several days as not taking my tablet with me) - hope your trip is incident free and you can enjoy yourselves. Glad you enjoyed the pics I posted.

    Busy day again today, feeding w. machine, making various phone calls, and sis-in-law is visiting.

  • Rosy - I think I'm eccentric already! So I qualify! But yes, sometimes it's nice to say, "I don't care what people think!' and just do whatever you want, LOL! There have to be compensations for the ageing process.

  • Another huge spider in the bath last night! I'm rapidly developing arachnophobia. My feather duster is working overtime in case there are webs in the corners etc. Now I'm convinced that they are either under the bed (too heavy for me to move on my own) or behind the bookcase that sits at the top of the stairs. Or behind my desk which I can't move, either. I can move the bookcase, though, if I remove all the books. (Thanks OG, it is all your fault for mentioning dust bunnies and bookcases, lol)

  • Oh, heck, Heather.  You'll just have to ignore the spiders, if you can. Not much point in moving lots of heavy furniture (Don't hurt yourself...)

    It's been showery here, but now it's settled a bit I've put out the laundry. I rushed out to buy milk & bread after my sis-in-law visited: she brought me one of those whirligig ornaments for the garden as my present. I put it outside straight away!

    My Friend G is still in hospital but hopes to return home today.

  • Heather, try blocking off the overflow at night. One autumn, when my daughter was young, she was having a bath. To my horror, I saw these big black legs entering from the overflow outlet, followed by the body, then the rest of the legs. I could not believe what I was seeing. I tried not to scream, but just as I was scooping my daughter out, she saw it. She made a quick exit!

    It was a long time before I could get her in that bath again! I still check for myself, to this day.

    Don't worry about moving the furniture. The spiders are coming in from the cold.

    I need a cup of tea now, just thinking about it!

    Lindy, I could not ignore spiders!!!

  • Thanks ROSY- I'm off to block the overflow!!

  • Rosy: Ha-ha - The Spider Who Came in from the Cold.

    Heather: In this part of California, our house spiders aren't anywhere near as big and hairy as those in the UK (no tarantulas around here either). I remember seeing one creep out from under my bed in Watford when I was about 6 and having a fit!  My mother used to say they brought good luck, but I think she was just trying to stop the hysterics (didn't work). We do get Black Widows lurking in dark places outside mostly, which is why I always wear gloves when  sorting out stuff in the garage and I'm careful when I take the BBQ cover off if I haven't used it for a while. They are shy, but you wouldn't want inadvertently pick one up.  Let us know if Rosy's suggestion works.

    More stuff to do today, including taking car for a shampoo.  I was fiddling with the sprinkler system the other day and now they aren't coming on automatically, which is a pain given that I won't be here for a week or so.  Will be fiddling more today.