Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 August 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week!

Bull Moose "Laughing"
Grand Teton National Park 
U.S. National Park Service, NPS/Adams
Photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • Ghastly weather here, too - not stopped raining all day. Needless to say, our lawn is now as green as if we never had a drought! Sorry about the sandals, Pat, I hope they're not ruined. 

    Went to see G, down the narrow wet lanes. She looks very pale, naturally, but says that she feels much better since they sorted out her lungs. She slept for nearly twelve hours last night. 

    We have been doing various things online and have now been resting since lunch, (my OH has been watching the Grand Prix) but I'm going back to the desktop soon to see if we can book our flights for our spring holiday, next March. It's always hard to know whether it's best to book a flight early or late, as they keep changing the prices!

  • Annette, I was sorry to hear of the sad death of John McCain. As you say, some people we may not agree with the politics of, but we can admire their determination to make a difference. He seemed an honourable man, and had had an amazing and full life.

    DT said awful things, amongst them, that it was not heroic to be a survivor of being a prisoner of war -  I found that very distasteful indeed.

  • BTW, there has also been rather sad news from the Poole Translocation project. Several of the chicks have died. It must be very disheartening for those involved in the hard work of running the project.

  • Oh, Lindy. That's too bad about the Poole Translocation project. The last time I read an update, it seemed like the project was going so well. Very sad. 

  • ANNETTE - were originally DVRs here previously, then video was phased out!  I assume it's all on a built in hard drive; it is in our network, with all our computers; but also has a DVD recorder/player in it.

    FB - hope that quiche is as good as it sounds - what's in it?

    PAT - sorry you need to go out again - maybe wellies rather than sandals?

    LINDA - I am sure G was happy to sleep in her own bed!  Good that her lungs are sorted - hope they stay good.  Next holiday already?  you haven't had the cruise yet!

    Just been slicing the beans for dinner - OH can't get them thin as I like them!  Having pork this evening - with apple sauce, of course!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hadn't seen that news from Poole - so sad - and hope they will find it was preventable!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG: red onions red onion chutney and West country Vintage Cheddar.

  • OG - We had roast pork with apple sauce last night!  We always book our spring holiday either just before or just after we go on the current one, as it's hard to get exactly the accommodation you want otherwise. So the accommodation has been booked from last March already! - the flights are different, but we usually book before December to get a good price. All done now, so we can relax and just look forward to it. We will book a car later, those are easy to obtain.

    FB -- That sounds yummy!

    There seems to have been some dietary deficiency in what the Poole birds have been eating, and it's being investigated. But one poor bird died from being caught up in something.

    The rain finally stopped, here. Hope it's dry tomorrow for those enjoying a break from work on the Bank Holiday.

  • FB- thanks for the description of the Forest. Sounds lovely. The quiche sounded very good.

    Diane - I hope your friendship will rekindle when tensions have calmed down.

  • Well that was a chilly BH Sunday 10 degrees and loads of rain and 2 happy dogs as I lit the wood-burner luckily loads of wood still in store.

    FB My son in sin is from Cinderford and still has family there although my daughter lives with him in Bath which is a city I totally love.

    So sad about the Poole Ospreys. I have posted a rant on my FB page so please read.

    Basically like trackers leave the birds to be. Do not intervene and as most of the birds have done from my area each year we are losing returning juveniles so year on year I am seeing less birds flying over my 2 rivers the Spey and the Avon ( Arne).

    Lindy this time 2 years I was going through similar as your friend. She firstly had Hodgkins and after the all clear had another cancer which was a primary. I miss her to this day.