Hallo all!  Have a happy week and don't forget to check last week's thread for any late-breaking developments!  :-))

  • ForestBoar- I had never heard of the Forest of Dean until you came online and now I have heard it mentioned in 2 different audiobooks. The forest plays a big part in the current book I am listening to. Very atmospheric and sounds absolutely beautiful!

  • Unknown said:

    Diane: Wow! That wall of cloud is pretty darn intimidating!  Haven't seen anything quite like that. Hope you sleep well - and really sorry to hear the Indianapolis trip wasn't great. We didn't expect you back until tomorrow (Saturday). Was it the dogs/traffic/people?

    Annette: The couple I was dog-sitting for came back earlier than originally planned, because he had a prior commitment that he couldn't forgo.

    I was nervous all week, because the small dog was in very sickly condition. He wears doggy-diapers, and I had to change them often. I was sleep-deprived from getting up in the middle of the night, but I could have dealt with that challenge.

    I'm upset because my friend of 20+ years and I had a serious argument and falling out after they got home on Thursday (the argument didn't have anything to do with the dogs; it was a personal matter). I had no way to get home, so I had to stay there Thursday night and then they drove me home on Friday. I was so tense that my nose bled wildly and I cried mightily after I finally arrived home yesterday. I take friendship and loyalty very seriously, but I think that one is over.

  • Diane, I am so sorry that you have had such a dreadful time. I am sure you did not deserve that. Sympathies +++ from here.

  • Oh, dear, Diane. I'm so sorry to hear about your falling out with such an old friend. {{ LOTS OF HUGS }}


  • OG,  The foreman gave my OH the understanding that the major noisy works were almost completed, but this has turned out not to be the case.

    Lindy,  I have breeding newspapers too. We have a daily paper (OH insists on it)

    The pile just grows until I realise that I have not turfed any out for a while. OH did take some for recycling today. There is rarely room in our local bins, so trying to do the right thing is a bit of a joke here. We need to check out if there is any space first, and then go out again. The neighbours have even been known to text each other about availability. How sad is that!!!

    I was trying to get to grips with the politics of AQ's homeland today, but I can't even keep up with the goings on here, let alone the rest of Europe and the US.

    I love the fact that you write to your local paper. Are you Mrs Disgusted of Wherever?

  • No, I put my own name, Rosy. I usually gripe about local potholes (Cheshire is famous for bad roads now) or the way the council have dawdled over introducing pedestrianisation in our town. Recently I complained, along with others, that one particular short road should be one way only, and hooray! - we seem to have reached someone's ears because they're going to do it!  - whoopie!