Hallo all!  Have a happy week and don't forget to check last week's thread for any late-breaking developments!  :-))

  • Oh goody - semantics!  OG, I agree with your descriptions.  I have also never heard of 'fizzling' in respect of weather - only for fireworks or situations 'fizzling out'.  But it may well be a weather description somewhere - I will follow the discussion with interest!

  • Hello and Thank You, ANNETTE.

    Well, it isn't dreich or mizzling or drizzling here today! My OH used to just look out of the window on those kind of mornings and simply say 'What a miserable b****r of a day!' He did have recourse to some very colourful language at times - usually in connection with the weather and/or the garden!

  • Heather - I do like people with a wide vocabulary!

  • PAT - when he first met my family they sometimes had difficulty in understanding him - he was originally from rural Aberdeenshire and often lapsed into the Doric dialect. He could defuse most awkward moments in our family by saying 'Fits a do, quine?' (What is upsetting you, lassie?') or 'Gies a bosie' ( Come here and give me a hug).

  • OG- I can't bear to think of you being housebound until next May. I hope that between now and then there will be spells of weather that will entice/enable you to get out.

  • HEATHER - I did have about 30 minutes outside this afternoon - OH was doing a job in a "sunny interval", so I joined him on the deck, then a shower arrived so I came in!  But I have been busy with the church newsletter today, or I could have gone out there earlier - I must remember to make use of every dry moment in future!  (I do have to go out Wednesday whatever the weather for GP appointment).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • lovely afternoon having a nice cold drink with our husky friend at Simpsons.

  • DIBNLIB- my brother has a husky. Poor dog has suffered terribly in the heat in Brittany, this year. The husky wasn't bought in France, he came with my nephew when he moved over. My brother was putting wet towels over the dog, who could only settle on the kitchen floor, ceramic tiled. Dog was panting etc.

  • PatO: Semantics indeed!  Don't know about fizzling either.  And mizzling isn't used here at all in the US (at least in my neck of the woods).  I do like dreich though (but also not used here - at least in this part of California - mostly because we don't have dreich weather (sorry, had to rub that in!).  :-)      I remember (which could be a combination of gray and drizzling if we wanted invent more weather words) but was used by my Dad when I was whining about something as in "Stop grizzling!"

    Heather:  I'm glad you were able to understand your OH when he proposed marriage. :-)  

    OG:  Please, don't let the dreich weather keep you housebound (easy for me to say).  Are there any wildlife reserves around where you could take the scooter on dry days?

    dibnlib: "Husky friends" indeed - though I suspect you're referring to the four-legged kind...

    Must get things organized for carpet cleaners tomorrow plus run some errands.

  • Ha ha, ANNETTE! I seem to remember that talk of marriage involved the financial benefits of same, inheritance tax and so on and so forth:-) Not very romantic but he was an accountant... So, when I was escorted (given away, I suppose!) and saw him looking teary, I wasn't at all sure what was causing the emotion :-)