Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 August 2018

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  • Annette -- Did you know about another chocolate smelling flower, chocolate cosmos? :-)

  • LINDA - ours is amazing this year - plant has at least doubled in size, many more flowers and they seem to have a deeper scent too!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Weather turned out much better than the beginning of the day, but no time to be outside.  Might be no rain here tomorrow and then horrible heavy stuff on Wednesday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lovely pictures Lindy. I thought that the man did not look very happy in his wings!

    The arms must get tired holding them out like that.

    Annette and Lindy, No it was not a birthday with an 0 at the end. Been there. Just add a few more years. Any birthday is worth celebrating after 70, I reckon.

    One old friend did give me a '70' card, but he is a well known charmer of the ladies!

  • I see we are back - after error problem for at least 12 hours!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I've just come on too, after being unable to post this morning, and then going out. Had a horrible morning, with hold ups just about everywhere I went: got to M&S, and they had a notice saying "No card transactions are possible, cash only!"

    I popped into the Food Hall there, and found there was a queue for one till where things were working, so I rushed around, grabbing things I wanted, then joined the queue. Talk was that this had happened in many M&S stores, not just that one. Then I queued - for 20 minutes!  Lots of hold ups. After, I went to Sainsburys, then jumped into another queue for petrol....  by the time I reached my Friend, I was an hour late. Took her some of our apples and some home grown tomatoes.

  • Bonnie's Blog:

    Well, yesterday was really good.  Mum said she would put out the laundry but keep an eye on the weather. Later they laid the table for lunch, including some luscious looking bread rolls. As Mum came back with tomatoes and cheese, she glanced out of the window, and shouted "Rain!".  They both dashed out to get the laundry in, but Dad left his bread roll besides his plate for me. Of course, quick as a flash, I grabbed it from the table and ate it as quickly as I could. I don't know why Dad was so cross with me when they came back in!

  • Good afternoon all it has been a miserable few days here but still went shopping with SiL and her sister. Having to renew my dishwasher as the  wheels that the top basket runs on are falling off but as it is about 17 years old it has done me well.

    Have had visits from son and his wife on their way to and from Norwich to see her mum and dad who has been ill with cancer but his latest scan shows it has not spread.

    Gillian I live between the new Viewforth high school and Sinclairtown primary school in a quite culdesac. Tomorrow morning the parking will become horrendous as the schools start again.

    Hope everyone keeps well.  

    george g

  • Morning all:  Tried to get on several times last evening to tell you all about my day, but the site was down and now I can't remember what I did yesterday.

    OG:  Niece (divorced) only.  She had a very difficult time last year when my sister was ill, driving back and forth from Milton Keynes to Lincolnshire and doing all the things I couldn't do from 6K miles away for months on end.  I'm meeting her in Santa Fe on September 3.  We are going to spoil her.

    Lindybird:  Yes indeed, Chocolate cosmos is delicious.  Sorry about your frustrating morning.  All it takes is an electronic glitch and we are in a pathetically helpless state.  Here, all it would take would be a major earthquake to knock out power for way too long a time to even consider without serious trepidation.   :-(   I like the "inside story" we're getting from Bonnie about the real doings at your house.

    Off to take on the world....

  • Rosy: I hope you had a wonderful birthday with all your friends and family. 

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