Link to July
Birdies LG DU update.
Haven't been lucky enough to catch anybody on this lovely nest for a few days
No sign of anyone. ENS
Junior was just on the nest shouting for fish but now flown.
Kind regards, Ann
First juvie landing on perch a few minutes ago:
Turned around:
I'd have posted this sooner but couldn't load the Glaslyn thread - others were OK, go figure :-/
It's very corvid-y this morning.
A lot of screechin' goin' on, at the same time as scratchin' ;)
Youngster on the side of thr nest Very kindly the cam zoomed in and its KS2 Walked across the nest to the left, out of sight, but still being heard
All quiet Cam hasn't zoomed out to see whole nest so I don't know whether he is still there or not
Wonder what that strange "track" is across the field behind the ?
Think KS2 must have gone Too quiet