DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Monday, 23 July 2018

Returning from my weekend, I see EJ has kept to her Love Tree routine, and entertained her suitor(s). Sheila had a good question about her mantling at this point, when EJ surely has been able to get acquainted with GJ. Maybe the mantling means, "I am not sure of you yet, even though I am allowing you to be in my presence."

Scylla went above and beyond, as usual, trying to piece together all the bits of comings and goings into a cohesive presentation. We also settled on EJ's foot being fine, despite earlier worries and talk of arthritis and toe-tapping. I leave you with a recap of scylla's final video of EJ's playful lunchtime gambol in the skies, followed by skillful cam work I assume by LornaB. EJ indeed seems to have enjoyed herself, as she landed back in the Love Tree with a shake and a tail wag.

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