WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018


  • This is weird....   And my OH is in a "doing" mode.   He's already arranged for the Stove Man to come today, and now he's taken out the kitchen window which was all fuzzy and taken it to a glass company in the next town.  Good job its fine weather!

  • www.bbc.co.uk/.../uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-44923024

    So sad for all concerned.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just saw it on the BBC website, OG. Agree, very sad.

    ANNETTE - I can't always keep up with replies but it is very enjoyable to see posts from everyone, especially those who don't manage to post as often. Regarding lavender - my OH used to take cuttings and grow them on in the greenhouse.

    It is a lovely day here. I walked to town and back (trying to do some walking every day).

    LINDY - make the most of your OH's home activity moments! Before you know it, he will be sloping off to the allotment or the golf course!

    OG - I'll put the energy monitor back in the cupboard under the stairs before son and family arrive on Friday. Two reasons - First, I don't want them thinking that I am calculating how much cooking their food and doing their washing is costing, and secondly, Sam would find it very interesting ( he is a fiddler).

  • I noticed that a post my OH sent explained why we got on so well with our dining companions. There were 3 chaps. One was USNavy retired, another British Army retired and of course my OH is RAF retired, and I served 6 years in the RAF. This would explain our rather strange sense of humour!!!

  • Interesting, Dibnlib. You must have found lots to talk about 

    The man has been to look at the stove, and pronounced the cutting out problem as being caused by the element in the larger oven being faulty, so he fitted a replacement. This was annoying, in a way, as we've never used the large oven much - we bought a stove with two ovens because as there are only two of us, we will often only need one shelf to warm up or roast a small amount of food. So the large oven has only been used occasionally, when cooking for larger numbers of people. Anyway, he fixed it and will put in an order for a new door seal which he can fit for us later.

    My OH had already been to the allotment to pick beans this morning, Heather! Just now he's resting in the garden, but is contemplating mowing the lawn soon, just to take off the annoying long bits. The rest of it is not growing. Well done on doing some walking -  I do worry that I don't walk enough these days. 

  • Just realised that I've overcome the problem I had earlier with posting on here. Don't know if it's because it's the Site or my desktop pc...

    I meant to report on the window being fixed. We had a quote some weeks ago of about £89 to fix it: the man reckoned £65 or thereabouts, plus VAT, which came to around £89!  As the previous, similar window was fixed for only about £35 only a couple of years ago, we said we would think about it. I could tell that my OH thought this was outrageous, it is only a small opening window above the main window.  So, we looked for someone else to sort the problem. This morning, he took out the glass unit himself, went to the glaziers and ordered a replacement, which will cost ....£13 !!!  - needless to say, we're happy that he is a handyman!

  • You are indeed lucky, LINDY! Regarding your oven - it seems as if you were unlucky or maybe, if it is a fan oven, it should be used more often. Maybe the fan got stuck from underuse and the element overheated? Now, you know I'm not techy savvy, so I'm quite prepared to be laughed at!! I don't use the top oven except when I need the space. It is conventional. I prefer the bottom, fan oven. I think it is faster and cooks more evenly. We won't talk about the cost :-)

  • Hallo all: That is sad news about the lost chick.  Only the second one lost during the ringing process in 50 years, but that probably only makes it worse for the team involved.

    Lindybird: It really is nice to have an OH who's handy with stuff like that.  Exasperating about the less-used oven being the culprit!   My iphone, after many, many attempts to connect to wifi, is now connected.  Everyone kept insisting I was typing in the wrong password, but I wasn't. This morning I called Apple and they had me take the phone to (in this case) the local Starbucks and see if it connected there.  It did, which they said indicated a problem with the router, not the phone.  Came home, got out the router disc and info but before I tackled that, made one last attempt to hook up to our wifi and, lo and behold, it connected.  Go figure!

    dibnlib: Great photos - I like the idea of a river cruise; would seem to be more relaxing than the larger, more crowded liners. Still, I wouldn't turn up my nose at the latter.  :-)

    OG: Been there, done that re waiting for someone's contribution to a newsletter.  Can be pretty frustrating when it's the one thing left to do before you can get it out of the way.

    Heather: Re energy use, etc., sometimes it's better to not know.

    I'm off to have lunch with old friend tomorrow in Malibu; haven't seen her at all this year. She's heading to her family's home in central New York statesoon and wants to soak up as many ocean views as she can before she goes.  Meanwhile, have arranged to get fringe trimmed this pm or won't be able to find my way down the freeway.